
ECLAC Will Present from Mexico its Annual Report on the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

The Region’s Trade Will Increase Significantly in 2021, but the Recovery Will be Asymmetrical and Heterogeneous in a Context of Uncertainty

Latin American and Caribbean Countries Reaffirmed the Importance of Safeguarding the Region’s Progress on Social Development and Preventing Setbacks amid the Crisis Unleashed by the Pandemic
In focus:

Countries of the Region Urge for Rethinking the Financing Agenda for a Sustainable and Egalitarian Recovery
2021-12-03 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
In the framework of the thirty-sixth session of the Committee of the Whole of ECLAC, the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, presented five innovative financing for development proposals for the region.

Countries of the Region Reaffirm the Urgency of Measuring Gender Gaps and Quantifying the Loss of Natural Capital and Well-Being to Attain a Sustainable and Egalitarian Recovery
2021-11-23 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
At the inauguration of the Eleventh meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, authorities stressed the relevance of consolidating the statistical institutional framework in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Countries Advocated for Science, Innovation and New Technologies to Play a More Active Role in Policies for the Region’s Economic, Productive and Social Development
2021-12-15 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
Today marked the conclusion of the Third Meeting of the Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies, organized by ECLAC and the Argentine government.

ECLAC: At Least 4,091 Women Were Victims of Femicide in 2020 in Latin America and the Caribbean, Despite Greater Visibility and Social Condemnation
2021-11-24 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
The United Nations regional organization’s Gender Equality Observatory released today the latest statistics available on this true “shadow pandemic.”

ECLAC Presents the CEPALSTAT Portal’s New Interface Linking Regional Statistics and Geospatial Information on Latin America and the Caribbean
2021-10-15 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the UN regional commission, led the launch of the revamped portal and stressed the importance of the interoperability of information through open data.
Headquarters and offices:

Caribbean Countries Stress Strategies to Support the Post-Pandemic Recovery through Greater Solidarity and Regional Integration
2021-11-05 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
Subregional and international authorities and experts debated about how to accelerate the recovery and strengthen economic resilience in the subregion during the 20th meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee, convened by ECLAC.

The High Prevalence of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Caribbean is Exacerbating the Pandemic’s Impact and Hindering the Subregion’s Progress Towards Sustainable Development
2021-11-04 12:00:00 UTC - Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, and Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Information Technology of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, led a seminar on this issue prior to the 20th meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.