Data and Statistics – Agricultural Development

Information Systems

ECLAC’s Sub-Regional Headquarters in Mexico supports the creation, development, and dissemination of information systems housing variables related to rural and agricultural development, food security, nutritional security, and climate change within the regional and national institutions from the countries of the sub-region: Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, México, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. Belize is also included in some initiatives because it is a SICA member country.

The Sub-Regional Headquarters in Mexico provides technical assistance to national institutions directly associated with data systems related to rural and agricultural development, climate change, risk management, food security, and nutritional security for decision making. Cooperative work with SEPSA and public institutions from Chile and Mexico. Cooperative work in Chile with ODEPA for the use of 2014 Agricultural Census results, and in Mexico with INEGI, AGROASEMEX, SIAP SAGARPA, CONABIO, and CENAPRED for the implementation of a system of variables on climate change and risk management in 2017.

Our statistics: ECLAC’s Agricultural information system for Central America and the Dominican Republic (SIAGRO)

SIAGRO is an information system developed by the Agricultural Development and Climate Change Unit in ECLAC’s Sub-Regional Headquarters in Mexico containing indicators related to agricultural activity, rural development, food security, and nutritional security. Geographic coverage reaches all countries in Central America, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Belize is also included because it is a part of SICA. Data is updated on a monthly and annual basis and information originates either from ECLAC or from other databases of associated agencies, and each indicator comes with an explanation of its source and metadata.

The SIAGRO database is hosted in CEPALSTAT, a platform used by ECLAC for managing and disseminating economic, social, environmental, and agricultural data as well as transversal topics. SIAGRO can be found by opening “Temas transversales” in CEPALSTAT, choosing the option “Estadísticas de la actividad agropecuaria, desarrollo rural, y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de Centroamérica y México”. Each component listed contains different indicators. After choosing an indicator, one can select which countries, values, and years to download and whether to download data in HTML or XLS format. Sources and notes can be downloaded as well. Link:

Data Visualization

Data and Statistics Agricultural Development - Title

Data and Statistics Agricultural Development - El Salvador and Guatemala

Data and Statistics Agricultural Development - Honduras and Nicaragua

Data and Statistics Agricultural Development - Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic

Agriculture Sector- the agriculture sector’s contribution to GDP is heterogeneous in Central American countries and varied during the period shown, 2000-2015. In Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic participation was relatively lower and declined during the period shown. In El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua participation was relatively higher, generally above 20%.

Useful databases



SIMAFIR (a product of SECMCA) -

SEC (a product of SIECA) -

Si-ESTAD (a product of CENTROESTAD) -

Subregional Headquarters and Offices:

Subregional Headquarters, Mexico