Opportunities and challenges for MSMEs in Caribbean cross-border e-commerce


The Course is organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Course information

Training method:

Online course

Course Language:


Registration date:



This course has no cost for the participants. Publicpolicy staff (including persons operating in regionalinstitutions) in the Caribbean are invited to takeadvantage of this opportunity.

Financing type:






Type of course:




Target audience:

The course is aimed at staff members in charge ofMSME support programs including but not limited to:Trade Promotion Organizations, Single Windows,Government Ministries and Agencies in charge ofproductive development and MSMEs, personsinvolved in Competition Policy, Data Protection andcibersecurity in the Caribbean.

Geographic Scope:



Training policymakers in good practices to improve thecapacities of MSMEs to participate in cross-border e-commerce.


  • To learn about recent developments and trends indomestic and cross-border e-commerce particularly sincethe beginning of the pandemic and to examine thebarriers and challenges that MSMEs face in this type ofinternational trade.
  • To understand the process of digital transformation anddigital capacity-building of MSMEs for the effectiveimplementation of cross-border e-commerce processes,systems and tools, along with the support thatgovernments can offer through public policies aimed atthis group of businesses.
  • To gain greater awareness of the obstacles that MSMEsface and the best practices in logistics and tradefacilitation issues to speed up MSMEs' access tointernational markets through cross-border e-commerce.
  • To understand the role of competition policy andcompetition laws to facilitate the entry and integration ofMSMEs as suppliers in regional and global value chainsand identify anti-competitive practices that restrict marketaccess.
  • To identify critical regulatory elements for data protectionin the use of digital platforms and cyber security.


Five modules will be delivered through distance-learningcourses utilising multimedia formats (reading guides, videotutorials, interviews) and interactive forms (virtual classesand discussion forums) to facilitate the understanding andlearning of the course material. Each module ends with asmall quizz. This course is taught in English.


This course runs from November 8th, to December 10th, 2021. It has five weekly modules. The totalacademic load is approximately 25 hours. Eachmodule includes reading materials, viewing tutorialsand videos with interviews, participating in asynchronous virtual class, and conducting a briefexam with multiple-choice questions.




Module 1: Introduction

  • Definitions and characterisation of domestic and cross-border e-commerce
  • Main global and regional trends
  • Participation of regional MSMEs in e-commerce
  • The e-commerce institutional and public policy ecosystem

Module 2: Digital transformation and the role of e-commerce in MSMEs

  • Introduction to digital transformation
  • Strategies for the implementation of e-commerce in MSMEs
  • Roles and processes to implementing cross-border e-commerce in MSMEs
  • Digital tools for the implementation of cross-border e-commerce

Module 3: Logistical practices for agile cross-border e-commerce

  • Introduction to cross-border e-commerce logistics
  • Last-mile delivery: postal mail and courier companies
  • Introduction to e-commerce regulation
  • Single Windows (SW) in the development of cross-border e-commerce
  • E-commerce in preferential trade agreements in LAC

Module 4: The strategic importance of data for cross-border e-commerce

  • The importance of data for the development of MSMEs for access to digital platforms
  • National regulatory frameworks for the storage, use, and transfer of data
  • Data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity
  • Integration of data as a strategic asset for businesses (marketing, CRM, ERP, …)

Module 5: Competition conditions and policy in cross-border e-commerce

  • The importance of economic competition in the policy of support for MSMEs, particularly
  • in times of pandemic
  • Free-competition normative/regulatory framework
  • Competition policy in the digital era
  • The role of data, a strategic intangible asset for MSME businesses
  • Competition policy, cross-border data flow, digital platforms, and data protection

Organized by:

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

  • http://www.cepal.org/es
  • 56 222100000

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Nanno Mulder

  • nanno.mulder@cepal.org
  • (56-2) 2210 2198

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Georgina Nuñez

  • georgina.nunez@cepal.org
  • telephone

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Sheldon Mclean

  • sheldon.mclean@eclac.org
  • telephone

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Dillon Alleyne

  • dillon.alleyne@eclac.org
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