Briefing note
The region faces substantive challenges related to data sources in order to measure real progress in achieving the objectives and goals of the development agendas. In this context, population and housing censuses appears to be a primary source of information and should be considered as essential information for the calculation of the follow up indicators. Census are universal, they apply to the whole population within a country, they provide basic information at the dwelling household and person levels, allowing the socio demographic characterization of the population and its living conditions. Likewise, census round 2020 is starting in many countries of the region. With 2010 and 2020 censuses available, it will allow to monitor the agenda 2030 through the comparison of the indicators.
Redatam, a statistical processing software developed by CELADE-Population Division, offers key features such as its hierarchical data structure, friendly interface, and at the same time, the fast and efficient processing and analysis of specific population groups, given de universality of census.