Technical support to the formulation of the National Policy for the System of Cities

| Project/Programme



The relevant factors related to the differences and gaps between cities in social rights, income and inequality achievements were identified and presented through a document with policy recommendations and proposal, and the elements of the action plan   

Policy proposals, oriented to an action plan which identifies activities, local and national institutional responsibilities, were formulated and committed to the Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP)

Formulation of differential policies for main Colombian cities, according to their demographics and social characteristics .


Project landing type:

Normal: Regular project visualization with CEPAL's visual style

Executive summary (Teaser):

To provide the support to the formulation of a national urban strategy for Colombia, through the design of public policies aiming to consolidate the System of Cities .

Subregional Headquarters and Offices:

Oficina Nacional, Bogotá

Financing Type:

Extrabudgetary (XB)


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