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Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results in 1 pages.
14 de agosto de 2019 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
The present workshop will seek to analyze how the Escazú Agreement contributes to the implementation of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda in an effective and coherent manner in Guyana. To that end, it will specifically review key provisions of the Escazú Agreement and analyze national...
9 de agosto de 2019 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
La 13a Cumbre de Jóvenes Ambientales del Caribe (CYEN) tendrá lugar entre el 9 y el 13 de agosto de 2019 en Georgetown, Guyana, bajo el lema "Fortaleciendo la resiliencia del Caribe mediante el involucramiento y la participación efectiva de los jóvenes."
10 de junho de 2019 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
Organized jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and CARICOM
24 de julho de 2018 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
The Caribbean forum will contribute to creating synergies between youth policies and broader development frameworks, including the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development, the SAMOA Pathway, the SDGs as well as sectoral plans at national level. It will give young people an opportunity to...
30 de maio de 2012 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos