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Education during the pandemic: an opportunity to transform education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

Publication cover

Education during the pandemic: an opportunity to transform education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

Author: Huepe, Mariana - Palma, Amalia - Trucco, Daniela Physical Description: 101 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: March 2023 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2022/149


The COVID-19 pandemic has meant a prolonged economic and social crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, with profound consequences on the population’s well-being and a silent and devastating impact on education. The abrupt transition to distance learning, with one of the most extended school closures in the world, has had an unequal impact and highlighted pre-existing gaps in the region. The crisis has resulted in paradigm shifts, innovations and lessons learned concerning adapting to remote education, which impede education systems from returning to how things were and force them to restructure to be more resilient and inclusive.

Table of contents

Summary .-- Introduction .-- I. The immediate impact of the pandemic on the region’s education systems .-- II. The pandemic threatens to deepen the learning crisis in Latin America
and the Caribbean .-- III. Financing and financial sustainability of education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- IV. Towards transformative and inclusive recovery in education.