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Lessons and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for household surveys in Latin America

Publication cover

Lessons and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for household surveys in Latin America

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 9 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: July 2022


As a consequence of mobility restrictions aimed at containing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections, several national statistical offices (NSOs) suspended the collection of household survey data and struggled to continue publishing indicators derived from this type of statistical operation. This note presents a summary of the strategies implemented to continue the production of employment, income and poverty statistics during the health emergency. Lessons learned during the period may improve preparedness for future emergencies of this nature.

Table of contents

1. Introduction .-- 2. Characteristics of the
suspension of statistical operations .-- 3. Challenges in the transition from in-person to
telephone interviews .-- 4. Controlling for bias .--
5. Caveats about information use and the return to the new normal .-- 6. Plans and Recommendations for future emergencies .-- 7. Annex