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State of broadband in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017

Publication cover

State of broadband in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 37 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: June 2018 ECLAC symbol: LC/TS.2018/11


The development of the Internet and its progress continues in Latin America and the Caribbean.However, despite these advances, problems related to the quality and equality of Internet access remain pending.Likewise, differences persist in Internet access between rural and urban areas, and between quintiles of income distribution.In the country with the greatest gap between urban and rural areas, the difference in penetration is 40 p.p. and the average in the region is 27 p.p. In terms of income, the gaps between the households of the richest quintile in relation to the poorest quintile reach up to 20 p.p. in some countries of the region.

Table of contents

Summary .-- 1. Internet access and use. 1.1. Access. 1.2. Use .-- 2. Digitization of production. 2.1. Robotics and automation. 2.2. Internet of Things (IoT).