Work area(s):
Towards an information society measurement instrument for Latin America and the Caribbean: getting started with census, household and business surveys
- Publication corporate author (Institutional author): NU. CEPAL
- Physical Description: 101 páginas.
- Publisher: ECLAC
- UN Symbol (Signature): LC/W.14
- Date: January 1, 2005
This document is part of an effort to take inventory of the current state of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) statistics in Latin American and Caribbean countries, particularly in National Statistic Offices (NSOs). In this study fifteen countries are investigated regarding three sources of information: Internet research, e-mails and phone calls and through the meta-data questionnaire Status of information society statistics in National Statistic Offices, applied to NSOs of Latin America and the Caribbean during August 2004 in the frame of OSILAC. The effort concluded with a workshop on Information Society Measurement for Latin America and the Caribbean at Santiago in November of 2004. The document is acting as a reference document in the process of building statistical capacities for ICT measurement. It serves as a basic reference for technical cooperation and as an input for ongoing worldwide process of defining and implementing statistical work in census, household-, business- and specific thematic surveys in the field of ICT measurement.""