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América Latina: población económicamente activa: período 1970-2000 = Latin America: economically active population: period 1970-2000

Publication cover

América Latina: población económicamente activa: período 1970-2000 = Latin America: economically active population: period 1970-2000

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Physical Description: 191 páginas. Editorial: CELADE Date: January 1992


This Bulletin presents estimations and projections of the economically active population for all the 20 countries in Latin America. The projections are given at rural-urban level, by sex and five year age groups for the years ending at digits O and 5 for the period 1970-2000

Table of contents

Total population of the region, by countries. Period 1950-2025.-- Latin America: Projection of the total, urban and rural economically active population and total, urban and rural activity rates and demographic indicaton for economically active population, by countries. Period 1970-2000