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CEPAL Review no.42

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CEPAL Review no.42

Physical Description: 234 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 1990 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.1642-P ISSN: 02510257 ISBN: 9211211689

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Table of contents

Note by the secretariat. -- Opening statement delivered by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Mr. Gert Rosenthal, at the seminar on "The ideas of ECLAC and of Raúl Prcbisch”. -- The nature of the “principal cyclical centre” / Celso Furtado. -- The present morphology of the centre-periphery system / Jan Kñakal. -- The early teachings of Raúl Prebisch / Aldo Ferrer. -- Neo-structuralism versus neo-liberalism in the 1990s / Osvaldo Sunkel and Gustavo Zuleta. -- Evolution and present situation of styles of development / Eric Calcagno. -- Adjusting power between the State and the market / David Ibarra. -- The State and changing production patterns with social equity / Eugenio Lahera. -- Runaway inflation; experiences and options / Felipe Pazos. -- Structural elements of spiralling inflation / Héctor Assael. -- Latin American integration and external openness / Germánico Salgado. -- Present and future integration in Central America / José Manuel Salazar. -- Economies of difficult viability /Arturo Núñez del Prado. -- The Mexican economy at the end of the century / Miguel Sandoval Lara and Francisco Arroyo Garcia. -- Economics and happiness / Maria Conceicao Tavares.