Social images of tedinological change / E. Fcdetto. -- Attitudes to technical change / C. Filgueira. -- International competitiveness and spedalization / O. Mandeng. -- Commodity exports and Latin American development / J. M. Bemwente. -- The role of the State in technological progress / R. Mosquera. -- The polluter must pay / R. Valenzuela. -- Macroeconomic policy coordination and integration / A. Schwidrowski. -- Reconciling subregional and hemispheric integration / J. A. Fuentes. -- The Latin American Labour Market, 1950-1990 / R, Infante and E. Klein. -- The economic and social significance of narcotics / J. Giusti. --Ideology and development: Brazil, 1930-1964 / R. Bielschowsky.