Exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic performance in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico / Martín Grandes and Helmut Reisen. -- Decentralization, territorial transfers and local development / Iván Finot. -- Is there room for local development in a globalized world? / Sergio Boisier. -- The settlement of disputes under the WTO. The experience of Latin America and the Caribbean / Gonzalo Biggs. --Conditional cash transfer programmes: experiences from Latin America / Pablo Villatoro. -- The human capital endowment of Latin America and the Caribbean / Gregorio Giménez. -- Adolescent reproduction: the case of Chile and its policy implications / Jorge Rodríguez V. -- The dynamic of employment in Chilean industry / Sebastián Vergara M. -- Uruguay 1998-2002: income distribution during the crisis / Marisa Bucheli and Magdalena Furtado. -- Social and economic problems in Cuba during the crisis and subsequent recovery / Carmelo Mesa-Lago. -- Guidelines for contributors to the CEPAL Review. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.