The UN Celebrates its 70th Anniversary with Children in Chile

| Press Release

The headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) received today the visit of around 130 students from four schools.

Imagen de los niños que visitaron la sede de la CEPAL.

The United Nations Organization opened its doors in Chile to celebrate its 70th anniversary together with children and young people with an activity in which they can see firsthand the work of the UN in areas such as the fight against hunger and poverty, the defense of human rights, peacekeeping and the promotion of culture, development and equality.

Around 130 students from four schools of Santiago, Chile participated in the event, held today at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on the eve of the anniversary of the effective implementation of the Charter of the United Nations, which took place on October 24, 1945.

“The UN looks for peace, development, the protection of human rights and equality in the whole world. All people are different, but our rights and opportunities must be equal,” Antonio Prado, ECLAC’s Deputy Executive Secretary, said when welcoming the students, coming from the districts of Peñalolen, Melipilla, Maipu and Santiago.

The students, between 6 and 18 years old, participated in a short talk on the work of the United Nations and in thematic debates on food and agriculture, children’s rights and human rights in general. In this context, they were invited to think about the importance of inclusion and the need to end discrimination. Additionally, the students received an orientation on eating habits to encourage them to enjoy a healthy life.

In addition, with the aim of showing them the importance of knowing and preserving the cultural heritage, the students received a map of the world patrimony. In order for them to become aware of their rights as children, they drew a picture of their hand on which they wrote, reflecting a reason of why it is important to go to school. Afterwards they took these drawings and made a big mural where the hands represent the girls and boys’ aspirations on their education.

In terms of security, the students learned about the basic elements that integrate the United Nations peacekeeping operations, and witnessed a demonstration from canine units in charge of Security officers of the UN in Chile.

“I learnt that we must not throw out food because there are a lot of people in the world who are starving, and that we do not have to discriminate the people we do not know,” Karla, of 9 years old, said. Another participant, Nicolás, 17 years old, stressed that “the role of the UN is important in order to overcome the problems of modern societies, from armed conflicts to matters of economic and social development.”

These activities were organized by ECLAC together with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR).

In addition, as part of the celebration of the UN 70th anniversary, ECLAC’s building will be lit up in blue during the nights of October 23, 24 and 25, adhering to a global campaign that will  light up more than 200 iconic buildings in nearly 60 countries around the world with the Organization’s official color.

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