(1 October 2010) A special issue in French of CEPAL Review gathers 12 of the most relevant articles published in the journal between 2005 and 2009 and is available online as of today.
This special edition is aimed at providing French-speaking countries and French cooperation agencies with the most significant publications on development problems in Latin America and the Caribbean and includes articles by renowned academics and intellectuals like Dani Rodrik, Enrique Iglesias and Tulio Halperin.
It also contains articles by José Antonio Ocampo, José Luis Machinea, Osvaldo Rosales, Iván Silva, Andras Uthoff, Gonzalo Saraví, Fernando Calderón and Oliver Padisson. The compilation includes an essay that summarizes the history of the journal by the Director and Technical Editor of CEPAL Review, André Hofman and Miguel Torres, respectively.
The special issue in French was made possible by the technical and intellectual collaboration of the Government of France and the Institut des Hautes Études de L'Amérique Latine (IHEAL). On behalf of the institute, Olivier Compagnon wrote the introduction to the journal, reflecting on the political evolution of the region in the world context: "L'Etat est mort, vive l'Etat".
The first compilation of CEPAL Review in French was published in 2005: Revista de la CEPAL, Spécial en Français. Sélection d'articles publiés 1995-2004.
"With this new special issue, ECLAC reasserts its commitment to further strengthen its ties of cooperation and dissemination of ideas on development with French-speaking countries and the Government of France," writes ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena in the foreword.
Founded in 1976 by Raúl Prebisch, CEPAL Review has published without interruption almost one thousand articles on the economic, social, political and environmental development of Latin America and the Caribbean, in both Spanish and English.
In April 2010, the journal published its 100th issue.
The English-language edition is indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) published by Thomson Reuters and in the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) of the American Economic Association.
The special issue of CEPAL Review in French is available on the Internet.
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