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CEPAL Review no. 124

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CEPAL Review no. 124

Physical Description: 240 páginas. Date: April 2018 ECLAC symbol: LC/PUB.2018/5-P ISSN: 0251-2920 ISBN: 9789211219845

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Table of contents

More unequal or less? A review of global, regional and national income inequality / Verónica Amarante and Maira Colacce .-- Estimation of factors conditioning the acquisition of academic skills in Latin America in the presence of endogeneity / Geovanny Castro Aristizabal, Gregorio Giménez, Domingo Pérez Ximénez-de-Embún .-- The impact of fiscal decentralization on growth, inflation and inequality in the Americas / Antonio N. Bojanic .-- Foreign direct investment and growth in developing countries: evidence from the countries of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States / Kareem Martin and Nlandu Mamingi .-- The wealth gifted to the large-scale copper mining industry in Chile: new estimates, 2005-2014 / Gino Sturla Zerene, Ramón E. López, Eugenio Figueroa B. and Simón Accorsi O. .-- Sectoral and regional determinants of firm dynamics in developing countries: evidence for low-, medium- and high-tech manufacturing in Argentina / Carla Daniela Calá .-- Business cycles, expectations and inflation in Brazil: a New-Keynesian Phillips curve analysis / Elano Ferreira Arruda, Maria Thalita Arruda Oliveira de Olivindo and Ivan Castelar .-- Trade facilitation and its effects on Chile’s bilateral trade between 2006 and 2014 / Darcy Fuenzalida-O’Shee, Bárbara Valenzuela-Klagges and Alejandro Corvalán-Quiroz .-- Gender equity in the Argentine tax system: an estimation of tax burdens by household type / Darío Rossignolo .-- Fiscal sustainability and the cyclically adjusted balance policy: methodology and analysis for Chile / Mauricio G. Villena, Cristóbal Gamboni and Andrés Tomaselli.

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