Selection procedure
The journal Notas de Población publishes original, unpublished articles on population studies, and has a multidisciplinary approach that covers not only the field of demography but also the links between demographic trends and economic and social phenomena and environmental sustainability. Articles should relate preferably to Latin America and the Caribbean, although contributions relating to other regions may on occasion be included.
Manuscripts must be drafted in Spanish, although in certain cases material may be submitted in other languages. If accepted for publication, the article would be translated into Spanish. Exceptionally, translations into other languages may be published with the author’s permission.
Along with the original text, articles must contain the following:
- Title.
- Details of the author(s), including full name, academic qualifications, institutional affiliation, career synopsis, e-mail address, and the name of the research project with which the article is associated, if applicable
- Between five and eight key words.
- An abstract of up to 160 words.
- A bibliography, prepared in accordance with the editorial rules applicable to the journal.
- A concise and clear declaration stating that the article is original, has not been published before and is not currently being reviewed by any other print or electronic publication.
Review and evaluation process
All articles received are reviewed initially by the Editorial Committee, which looks at whether they comply with the journal’s basic editorial rules, the relevance of the subject matter, and whether the structure of the text is appropriate for a scientific article.
Articles that pass this initial stage are then reviewed by external assessors using a double-blind review system, in which both the author and the referees or reviewers remain anonymous.
The referees will first of all consider the pertinence, relevance and novelty of the subject matter, with reference to the journal’s editorial stance, as well as the article’s potential contribution to population studies in terms of its originality, concept and methodology.
They will then assess whether the work has been properly structured and organized, that is, whether the data, methodology, objectives and hypotheses have been clearly set out; whether the tables, boxes, figures, maps and diagrams are illustrative and clear; whether the references are up to date and correctly cited; and whether the objectives are consistent with the results of the study.
The assessors will make one of the following recommendations: publication with minor changes; publication with major changes; or rejection of the article. In the event that the referees decide the article should be published with changes, they will list the alterations they deem necessary to improve the article and notify the author accordingly. Should the author accept, the final version must be submitted by the deadline stipulated by the Editorial Committee.
If there are differences of opinion among the referees, the Editorial Committee will decide whether the article must undergo a second review or how this can be resolved.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to make non-substantive changes to the text, tables, boxes and figures in order to satisfy the journal’s editorial requirements.
Editorial policy
Authors must undertake not to submit their material to any other publication for a period of three months, during which time they will be notified of the outcome of the review process. Please note that originals cannot be returned. If an article is not accepted, referees’ comments will not be sent to the authors.
Editorial rules
Length: Articles must be no longer than 10,000 words (including tables, figures, maps, diagrams, notes and the bibliography).
Format: The text must be submitted in an electronic Word file.
Tables: These must be in an editable format and inserted in the Word file in the appropriate place.
Figures: These must be in image format and inserted in the Word file in the appropriate place. An Excel file must also be submitted containing editable versions of all the figures in the order in which they appear in the text. Each figure must appear on a separate sheet of the Excel file, and the number of the figure should be indicated on the tab.
Diagrams: These must be in an editable format and inserted in the Word file in the appropriate place.
References to tables, boxes and figures: There must be at least one reference to each table, box, figure, map and diagram within the body of the text. Each one must also have a title, source, and unit of measurement where appropriate.
Mathematical formulae: Mathematical formulae should be numbered using Arabic numerals in brackets and right aligned.
Explanatory notes: All notes must be inserted as footnotes and numbered sequentially.
Bibliographical references: Bibliographical references in the body of the text must contain the last name of the author and the year of publication in brackets.
Bibliography: This should appear at the end of the article. Bibliographical entries must be presented in alphabetical order by author’s last name, followed by their first initial, year of publication in brackets, full title, city of publication and the publisher’s name.
A book with two authors:
Auerbach, A. y L. Kotlikoff (1987), Dynamic Fiscal Policy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
A paper with three authors:
Auerbach, A., J. Gokhale y L. Kotlikoff (1994), “Generational accounting: a meaningful way to evaluate fiscal policy”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 8, Nº 1.
____(1991), “Generational accounts: a meaningful alternative to deficit accounting”, Tax Policy and the Economy, vol. 5, David Bradford (ed.), The MIT Press.
An e-publication with more than three authors:
Mason, A. y otros (2009), “National Transfer Accounts Manual. Draft Version 1.0” [en línea] ://
An institutional author:
CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe) (2009), Panorama Social de América Latina, 2008 (LC/G.2402-P/E), Santiago de Chile. Publicación de las Naciones Unidas, Nº de venta: S.08.II.G.89.
Same author, same year:
Lee, R. (1994a), “The formal demography of population aging, transfers, and the economic life cycle”, Demography of Aging, Linda G. Martin y Samuel H. Preston (eds.), Washington, D.C., National Academy Press.
_____(1994b), “Population age structure, intergenerational transfers, and wealth: a new approach, with applications to the U.S.”, Journal of Human Resources, vol. 29, Nº 4, número especial.