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Nexus Bolivia Forum “Nexus on Course towards 2025”

1 October 2019|Event

On October 1st, 2019, in La Paz, Bolivia, ECLAC participated in the "Nexus on Course towards 2025" Forum.

On October 1st, 2019, in La Paz, Bolivia, ECLAC participated in the "Nexus on Course towards 2025" Forum. The event was sponsored by the ministries of Energy, Development Planning, Environment and Water, Rural Development and Lands of Bolivia; the Catholic University of Bolivia, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the European Union and the German Cooperation Program (implemented by GIZ and partially sponsored by the GADER-LAC network). The objective of the forum was to present the main results, experiences and learnt lessons from the program, in addition to promoting the continuation of the intersectoral work among various organizations in the framework of Bolivia’s " 2025 Patriotic Bicentennial Agenda”.

The event had over 20 expert panelist, over 120 participants and over 450 live stream views via YouTube, who joined this unique opportunity to learn and share some of the challenges, learnt lessons, and best practices around the Nexus in Bolivia.

Topics addressed at the Forum included public sector planning, public policy, multipurpose projects, extreme poverty, and intersectoral coordination. The Nexus Bolivia program has played a central role in helping to align the objectives and strategies of Bolivia's Social and Economic Development Plan (PDES) with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of the country, resulting in the creation of an integrated planning system for public policy.

Ms Marina Gil, from the Water and Energy Unit of the Natural Resources Division of ECLAC, presented "NEXUS in Latin America and the Caribbean", where she summarized the general vision of the implementation of Phase I of the program in the region, the main achievements and outputs of Phase I, the action plan for Phase II, and the learnt lessons on the way forward.