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The Economics of the Circular Economy Transition

5 December 2022|Event

As the global economy expands and living standards rise, the world's raw materials consumption is expected to nearly double by 2060. This is particularly alarming because materials extraction, processing, use and waste management lead to very significant environmental pressures, ranging from local pollution at mining sites to GHG emissions from metal processing or air pollution from waste handling and disposal. In parallel, the mismanagement of plastic has resulted in significant environmental pollution and, if left unchecked, has the potential to cause even more important economic and social impacts since annual global plastics production is projected to triple by 2060. A circular economy aims to transform the current linear economy into a circular model to reduce the consumption of finite material resources by recovering materials from waste streams for recycling or reuse, using products longer, and exploiting the potential of the sharing and services economy. Circular economy policies and initiatives largely take place domestically at the national or regional level. They also have essential interlinkages with international trade.

Chile has progressed in several areas in recent years to advance towards a circular economy. An Extended Producer Responsibility Law was approved in 2016. A law that prohibits plastic bags was approved in 2018. And a law that regulates single-use plastics was approved in 2021. In addition to these laws, the country has recently published two crucial strategic planning documents: the National Strategy for Organic Waste and the Roadmap for a Circular Chile by 2040. These and other initiatives have set the stage for rapid progress towards a circular economy, progress that can significantly benefit from exchanges with organisations that can provide international experience, such as the OECD.


This event investigates the following questions:

  • How will socioeconomic trends affect materials use and the challenge to transition to a resource-efficient, circular economy?
  • How can the circular economy transition be designed to have double dividends for the economy and the environment?
  • How can the extractive industry adapt to a global circular economy transition?


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