1. Election of officers
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of the work of the twenty-eighth session
3. Equity, development and citizenship
4. Meetings of subsidiary bodies and other regional meetings sponsored by ECLAC, including meetings in follow-up to United Nations world conferences: conclusions and recommendations
5. Other activities of the secretariat of the ECLAC system since the twenty-seventh session and programme of work for the biennium 2002-2003:
(b) Ad hoc working group established pursuant to resolution 553(XXVI)
(c) Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and the eighth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
(d) Follow-up to the International Conference on Population and Development
(e) Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development
(f) Follow-up to the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
(g) Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES)
(h) United Nations inter-agency coordination meeting for the Latin America and the Caribbean region
Annotated provisional agenda and organization of the twenty-eighth session
Resolutions of XXVIII Session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean