This side event will take place at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4). Convened by the Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC), it will discuss how robust legal frameworks can unlock climate finance for building resilience and enhancing institutional capacities in Caribbean SIDS. The event will also explore ways the OPCC can collaborate to bolster environmental and climate change legislation in the region.
Event information

Event type:
The vulnerability of Caribbean small island developing States (SIDS) to the impacts of climate change is extensively documented. This situation is aggravated by SIDS’ higher vulnerability to external economic shocks and by existing barriers to much-needed financial support to address the requirements to build more resilient infrastructure. Therefore, both the disproportionate effects of climate change and the inadequate climate and development finance architecture currently in place internationally make the phenomena of climate change a threat to SIDS' sustainable development. Given the existing gap in climate finance required for the subregion’s climate adaptation, the development of robust and transparent legal frameworks is vital to creating an environment conducive to mobilizing public and private funds, both nationally and internationally. Transparent and ambitious legal frameworks are key to attracting public international funds and private sector finance.
The event will seek to shed light on innovative legislation and its roles in creating a positive funding environment for the implementation of sustainable development agendas, including the new Programme of Action for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Additionally, the event will showcase how the OPCC Legislative Tracker can be used as a tool to promote transparency and intergovernmental cooperation in the area of the environment and climate change legislation.
The OPCC is a network of lawmakers, technical advisors, and government focal points from Latin America and the Caribbean. It aims to bolster environmental and climate change legislation, and promote cooperation, collaboration, and solidarity among parliamentarians to achieve sustainable, low-carbon economies and enhanced resilience in the region. The portfolio of activities, resources, and opportunities available to OPCC participants are summarised below:
- A network-building and knowledge-sharing platform.
- An online database and information dissemination tool.
- A forum for technical and high-level coordination and dialogue to enhance the region’s climate ambition.
For more information on the OPCC, please visit:
Honourable Veronica Dorsette-Hector, Parliamentary Secretary, Montserrat
Welcome remarks
(15 minutes)
Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC Caribbean
Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley, Premier and Minister of Finance, British Virgin Islands
Chamberlain Emmanuel, Head of Environmental Sustainability Cluster, OECS Commission
Presentation of the OPCC
(15 minutes)
Honourable Gwendell Mercelina, Member of the Parliament, Curacao
Case 1: The Virgin Islands Climate Change Trust Fund Act
(10 minutes)
Honourable Dr. Karl Dawson, Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and and Environmental Matters, British Virgin Islands
Case 2: Legal Framework to address the phenomenon of Climate Change in the Dominican Republic
(10 minutes)
Honourable Milagros De Camps, Vice-minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Dominican Republic (to be confirmed)
Case 3: Addressing Climate Resilience through Policy, Institutional and Legislative Frameworks in SIDS, and Opportunities for Knowledge Exchange - The Barbados Case
(10 minutes)
Mr. Travis Sinckler, Senior Environment Officer, Policy Research, Planning and Information Unit, Ministry of Environment and National Beautification, Green and Blue Economy of Barbados (to be confirmed)
Case 4: Grenada (provisional title)
Honourable Kerryne Z. James, Minister of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy of Grenada
(15 minutes)
Closing remarks
Honourable Veronica Dorsette-Hector, Parliamentary Secretary of Montserrat
Practical information:
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
4.00 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
SIDS4 Conference Venue (American University of Antigua)
All participants accredited and registered to attend the SIDS 4 Conference are invited to participate. For more information on accreditation and registration for the SIDS 4 Conference, please access:
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- Government of the Virgin Islands, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change
- Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission
- Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC)
Supported by
Open Society Foundations (OSF)