Population and development in the Caribbean (2018–2023): accelerating implementation of the Montevideo Consensus

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Population and development in the Caribbean (2018–2023): accelerating implementation of the Montevideo Consensus

  • Autor:


    Jones, Francis -

  • Descrição física: 108 pages.
  • Editora: ECLAC
  • Símbolo da ONU (Assinatura): LC/CAR/TS.2024/1
  • Data: Fevereiro 16, 2024

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This study reports on progress made in the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development in the Caribbean subregion over the period 2018–2023. It begins by presenting an analysis of demographic trends in the Caribbean before addressing each of the thematic sections of the Montevideo Consensus, reviewing policies and programmes implemented by governments and civil society organizations, assessing the impact of those actions, and making recommendations to accelerate implementation of the Consensus. The study discusses projected population declines, population ageing and trends in international migration. It identifies a need for greater attention to issues affecting youth, including violence, unemployment, and teenage pregnancy. It describes progress in the adoption of legislation on child protection and child justice, but also highlights an ongoing need to strengthen the institutions responsible for implementing these laws. In response to population ageing, while governments have sought to strengthen policies and programmes for older persons, the pace of demographic change demands still greater attention to the economic and social well-being of older persons and healthy ageing. There have been advances in sexual and reproductive health and rights, and progressive reforms in a few countries, but these good practices need to be adopted more widely to further reduce teenage pregnancies, maternal mortality and to eliminate HIV. There is now more data on gender-based violence in the Caribbean and this confirms the need to address the high levels of violence against women and institutionalize services for survivors. The study also argues for increased subregional cooperation to manage both labour migration and migration in response to humanitarian emergencies.


  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • I. Key demographic trends affecting Caribbean countries
  • II. Full integration of population dynamics into sustainable development with equality and respect for human rights
  • III. Rights, needs, responsibilities and requirements of girls, boys, adolescents and youth
  • IV. Ageing, social protection and socioeconomic challenges
  • V. Universal access to sexual and reproductive health services
  • VI. Gender equality
  • VII. International migration and protection of the human rights of all migrants
  • VIII. Territorial inequality, spatial mobility and vulnerability
  • IX. Indigenous peoples: interculturalism and rights
  • X. Afro-descendants: rights and combating racial discrimination
  • XI. Conclusions.