Caribbean Road Safety Regional Workshop



The capacity-building workshop bringed together international experts and representatives from eleven Caribbean English-speaking countries  Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Guyana, Saint Lucía, Saint Kitts, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, to discuss safer systems approaches and urban mobility policies; promoting a stronger regulatory and enforcement framework; optimizing data management for improved planning and policy making; as well as best practices for vehicle safety, including powered motor cycles.   

Event information



Event type:

Meetings and technical symposiums


By invitation

With the aim of strengthening the intersectoral work on road safety in the countries and exchanging road safety experiences in transportation policies, infrastructure, legislation and data management, this regional workshop was a joint effort by several institutions of the United Nations (UN  Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, UNECLAC, UNECE, PAHO/WHO), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and organized by Jamaica’s Ministry of Transport and the National Road Safety Council .

The capacity-building workshop bringed together international experts and representatives from eleven Caribbean English-speaking countries: Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Guyana, Saint Lucía, Saint Kitts, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago,

This countries in the two days workshop had the opportunity to discuss safer systems approaches and urban mobility policies; promoting a stronger regulatory and enforcement framework; optimizing data management for improved planning and policy making; as well as best practices for vehicle safety, including powered motor cycles.   

08:30 ─ 09:00


09:00 ─ 09:30

Welcome Remarks

  • Mr. Jean Todt, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety
  • Therese Turner-Jones, IDB representative for Jamaica
  • Minister of Transport represented by the Permanent Secretary
  • Minister of Health of Jamaica
  • UN Resident Coordinator


Review Objectives and expectations of participants from the workshop

SESSION I - Road Safety Governance: Data Management organized by PAHO 


Road Safety Situation  

Objective: Provide an overview of the status of road safety mortality, motorization, transport policies and infrastructure in the English-speaking Caribbean countries.

  • State of road safety in the Americas - Eugênia Rodrigues, Regional Advisor on Road Safety, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) (10 min)
  • Transport policies & Public Transport challenges - Christopher Persaud IDB
  • Infrastructure and mobility intersectoral policies -

    Mr. Gabriel Pérez, Economic Affair Officer, ECLAC (10 min)


Questions and comments


Coffee Break

11:00- 11:15

Road Safety Data

Objective: roles and data needs of different sectors; data assessment for effective planning and monitoring, as well as for developing policies and legislations; and Global Voluntary Targets for Road Safety (WHO).

Meleckidzedeck KHAYESI, Technical Officer, World Health Organization (WHO)


Country best practices using data to improve road safety

  • Country 1 – Jamaica: Road Safety Unit, Ministry of Transport and Mining
  • Country 2 – Guyana (tentative) (10 min)


Open discussion



SESSION II – Infrastructure & Management

Session A - Infrastructure and Urban Mobility (2.5 hours) 


  • Overview of regional challenges Infrastructure: From Audits to Inspections and Safe routes to school (Marisela Ponce de León IDB) 20 min
  • Best practice in Urban Mobility and Urban Transport Policy (Christopher Persaud and Alana Fook IDB) 20 min
  • Regional Practices and lessons learnt (20 min)
    • Mr. Glen McCarvell, Senior Operations Officer, Caribbean Development Bank
    • Jamaica
  • Practical experience (road safety local inspection in 4 groups) (1hrs)
  • School zone
  • Vehicle inspection
  • Transport Center
  • Control Center

Discussion (30min)

Session B - Road safety management (2.5 hours) organized by ECLAC.

Moderator: Mr. Gabriel Pérez, Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC

16:00 – 18:30

Objective: Analyze the regional best practices in the implementation of multi-sectoral partnerships for developing transport plans and road safety strategies aligned for a secure and sustainable mobility.

  • Overview of regional challenges and global best practices. Mr. Fabio Weikert Bicalho, Associate Economic Affair Officer, ECLAC
  • Mr. Errol Gentle, Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Works, Belize
    • Mr. Adande Piggott, Traffic Engineer, Ministry of Works and Transport, Trinidad and Tobago


SESSION III - Road Safety Legislation. 


Objective: To increase understanding of core UN legal instruments, which could serve as a basis of strong regulatory framework at the national levels, and to identify key next steps for action on the subregional level in accession and implementation.

Mr. Robert Nowak, Economics Affairs Officer, UNECE

  • Overview of seven core UN Road Safety Conventions ECE (15 min)
  • 1968 Convention on Road signs and signals (45 min)
  • 1968 Convention on Road traffic (30 min)
  • Case study: Jamaica (presented by UNECE)

Facilitated discussion: Identify gaps and opportunities at the sub-regional level (30 min)


Coffee Break

11:15 12:45

Focus on Vehicle Standards (Including powered two-wheelers)

Mr. Romain Hubert, Chief, Road Safety Management and Dangerous Goods Section, UNECE

  • 1958 Agreement on type approval of Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts (including Protective Helmet UN Regulation No. 22) (30 min)
  • 1998 Agreement on Global Technical Regulations (ECE) (30 min)
    • Country best practices on two-wheeler safety (20 min)
      • Country 3 (tbc)
      • Country 4 (tbc)

Facilitated Discussion: Identify opportunities, capacity gap and action plan (facilitated by ECE) (30 min)



14:00 14:30

Legislations on key risk factors (20 min)

Objective: Provide an overview of the regional and Caribbean status of the legislations on speed limits, no use of motorcycle helmet, and no use of seat-belt and child restraint system.

Eugênia Rodrigues, Regional Advisor on Road Safety, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)

Questions and comments (10 min)


4:30 – 14:45

How to improve the enforcement (15 min)


Global Road Safety Partnership – enforcement training


14:45 – 15:05

Countries experiences (20 min)

  • Country 5 – Trinidad and Tobago (tentative)
  • Country 6 – Barbados (tentative)


Questions and comments (10 min)



Coffee Break



15:20 16:20

Summary of Deliberations (ECLAC, IDB, PAHO)

16:20 18:00

Closing Remarks

  • Representative from the Ministry of Transport
  • Mr. Romain Hubert, Chief, Road Safety Management and Dangerous Goods Section, UNECE
  • Mr. Gabriel Pérez, Economic Affair Officer, ECLAC
  • PAHO/WHO Representative Dr Bernadette Theodore-Gandi
  • Therese Turner-Jones, IDB representative for Jamaica


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