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5 April 2016 | News
The eighth meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism (TAC/RCM) for implementationof the SIDS sustainable development agenda and SDGs in the Caribbean will be hosted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) at its subregional Headquarters in Port of Spain.
4 April 2016 | News
Government statisticians from three countries will learn how to use the REDATAM software (REtrieval of DATa for small Areas by Microcomputer) to develop online applications for the dissemination of national census data.
1 April 2016 | Press Release
At a meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers, Alicia Bárcena presented an economic and social overview of the region and its prospects in light of the 2030 Agenda. She emphasized the need to give the economy a big environmental push with new technology and investment paradigms, within a horizon of equality and sustainability.
photo of the sustainable development panel
31 March 2016 | News
Antonio Prado, ECLAC’s Deputy Executive Secretary, participated in the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, held on March 28-31 in Cartagena, Colombia.
Banner Prebisch lecture series
31 March 2016 | Announcement
The author of the book The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths will deliver a lecture on Tuesday, April 19 at the regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
30 March 2016 | Press Release
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, inaugurated in Mexico the third meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group, which is in charge of proposing a framework of reference for measuring progress on compliance with the SDGs.
25 March 2016 | Press Release
In her speech, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) said that regional integration is destined to play a central role in the face of the current situation.
24 March 2016 | Statement
"It is imperative that we work together for equal opportunity, justice and sustainable development for people of African descent", Ban Ki-moon says.
22 March 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary sent a letter to the High-representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini.
22 March 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary sent a letter to the Belgian King and Prime Minister.
22 March 2016 | Press Release
According to projections by the United Nations regional organization, 175 million people were living in situations of poverty in late 2015 in Latin America.
Portada de informe Panorama Social 2015.
17 March 2016 | Announcement
The regional Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will hold a press conference on Tuesday 22 March in Santiago, Chile.
17 March 2016 | Press Release
The richest 10% in Latin America and the Caribbean own 71% of wealth and their tax rate is only 5.4% of their income.
16 March 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC regional seminar calls for selective adjustments and strengthened monitoring of tax evasion.
16 March 2016 | Press Release
International organizations released a report on revenue statistics during the XXVIII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, held at ECLAC headquarters.
15 March 2016 | Press Release
Tax revenues are the cornerstone of the basic financing of modern State, according to the Commission’s new report.
14 March 2016 | News
ECLAC offers technical insight on energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a view to enhancing Saint Lucia’s capacity to create improved financing products in order to attract investment that will encourage the development of the energy sector in the country.
Foto del Seminario Política Fiscal 2015
11 March 2016 | Announcement
The XXVIII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, organized by ECLAC, will be held on March 16-17, 2016.
9 March 2016 | Announcement
Senior level policymakers from governments of the Caribbean, officials of the United Nations system, representatives of regional civil society organizations, academia, regional development institutions and international development partners will meet to address the Caribbean’s debt obligations and consider practical solutions for current debt overhang.
8 March 2016 | Press Release
Comparing years of schooling, women can earn up to 25.6 percent less than their male peers in similar conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to data released today by ECLAC.