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9 November 2021 | Press Release
Both parties held their periodic consultation, renewing their cooperation program on diverse thematic areas for the 2022-2024 period.
29 May 2019 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, concluded an official visit to Berlin, Germany today upon participating in the Future Affairs 2019 conference, where she addressed the future of democracy in the context of the digital revolution. Earlier in the day, she held a bilateral meeting with the President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, with whom she discussed details of the regional commission’s next session, which will take place in May 2020 in San José.
28 May 2019 | Press Release
In the framework of her visit to Germany, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, spoke at the Latin America-Caribbean Conference and met with authorities from several countries.
De derecha a izquierda, Christiane Bögemann-Hagedorn, Directora General Adjunta para América Latina del BMZ; Norbert Barthle, Secretario de Estado Parlamentario del BMZ; Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL y Sören Müller, Oficial Senior de Políticas de BMZ.
27 May 2019 | News
In the framework of an official visit to Berlin, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, met with Norbert Barthle, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. Later in the day, she signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Christiane Bögemann-Hagedorn, the BMZ’s Deputy Director General for Latin America.
27 September 2017 | Press Release
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, made a presentation at the IV Regional Conference on Prospects for Triangular Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Lima, Peru.
6 February 2017 | Press Release
At a meeting held today, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chile, Rolf Schulze, and the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, also agreed to allocate additional resources to a programme to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the region.
7 July 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary launched an initiative for an export platform in the region during meetings with businesspeople and government authorities in Berlin.
6 July 2016 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the UN organization, Alicia Bárcena, met with the German Foreign Affairs Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Alicia Bárcena junto a empresarios y embajadores en Berlín.
5 July 2016 | Announcement
Alicia Bárcena will stay in the German capital for 48 hours and she will also hold several high level meetings and participate in an international debate organized by the Group of Ambassadors from Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC).
27 January 2014 | Statement
"We must be ever vigilant against bigotry, extremist ideologies, communal tensions and discrimination against minorities", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
13 November 2013 | Press Release
During her two-day visit to the European country, Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, described the development challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean.
30 May 2013 | Press Release
The United Nations agency and the German Agency for International Cooperation set out the services and activities of the technical cooperation programme until 2014.
22 November 2011 | Press Release
Both organizations agreed to implement a cooperation programme which promotes low carbon economic growth and social equality in Latin America and the Caribbean.
25 August 2011 | Press Release
Latin America and the Caribbean could receive up to 1.2% of regional GDP by implementing such a tax.
16 November 2010 | Press Release
The accomplishments of cooperation efforts between Germany and ECLAC in areas such as social equality, the role of the State, taxation, climate change, energy efficiency and sustainable development were reviewed.
8 September 2010 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.