Events List

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Showing 1 to 20 of 110 results in 6 pages.
30 May 2024 | Other events
El pasado miércoles 29 de mayo, la CEPAL celebró el Segundo Seminario del Proyecto Red y Observatorio para la Sostenibilidad del Agua (ROSA), que analizó las oportunidades de implementación de Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza (SbN) para aumentar la disponibilidad hídrica agrícola. Este evento...
11 March 2024 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
Register and save the date! The fourth edition of the Regional Water Dialogues of Latin America and the Caribbean will be held in hybrid form (face-to-face and virtual) in San José, Costa Rica, from 11 to 13 March 2024, at the headquarters of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on...
AT 1 Bolivia.jpeg
15 February 2024 | Meetings and technical symposiums
As part of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory (ROSA) project, the first online technical assistance for the Plurinational State of Bolivia was held on February 15, 2024. This inaugural session aimed at covering topics from water governance and sustainability, to exploring national...
20 December 2023 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The technical assistance session, held virtually on December 20, 2023, aimed to promote the circular economy in the water and sanitation sector of El Salvador. There was a strong emphasis on the theoretical and applied principles of the circular economy for the design of public policies in the...
Panelistas del taller
18 October 2023 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The workshop "Rural Sanitation Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean - Vision of International Cooperation," organized by the Division of Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation (DISAR) of the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (AIDIS), took place on Wednesday,...
Participantes + CEPAL
15 September 2023 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The event took place at CEPAL's premises on September 15th and was broadcast in a hybrid format. The event was organized by CEPAL and ABES. Fifty representatives from Brazilian sanitation companies, winners of the only National Sanitation Quality Award (PNQS) in the world, were present, including...
Misión de la cepal el salvador - Oficial Silvia Saravia Matus y Expertos Natalia Sarmanto Diego Fernandez Alfredo Muntanez Antonio Sanchez y Pedro Chavarro
5 September 2023 | Other events
ECLAC conducted a comprehensive mission in San Salvador, El Salvador, on September 5th and 6th, 2023. This mission focused on promoting and providing advanced training in circular economy principles applied to the potable water and sanitation sector.
CEPAL Sesión de socialización en Quintana Roo
7 August 2023 | Other events
The Water and Energy Unit of the Natural Resources Division of ECLAC carried out a training mission in Mexico from July 17th to July 21st, with the aim of promoting circularity in the drinking water and sanitation sector. The mission included theoretical training, technical working sessions, and on...
Diálogos Regionales Elisa Blanco
6 February 2023 | Other events
On February 1, 2 and 3, the Regional Water Dialogues were held, from which the Regional Water Action Agenda was elaborated. It included all the commitments made to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Check out here who participated, the main results and photos of...
Diálogos regional del Agua en América Latina y el Caribe
1 February 2023 | Other events
Save the date! Within a week (February 1-3), ECLAC will host the Third Edition of the Regional Water Dialogues of LAC, as a preparatory process for the 2023 United Nations Water Conference.
Taller de expertos CEPAL
24 January 2023 | Other events
The workshop, "Capacity building to promote investments in the drinking water and sanitation sector with a circular economy approach", will take place at the Planta Tratamiento de Aguas Servidas El Trebal (Talagante), which is one of the largest wastewater treatment plants from Santiago, Chile. The...
Diálogos regional del Agua en América Latina y el Caribe
16 January 2023 | Conferences and meetings of subsidiary bodies
The third edition of the Regional Water Dialogues will be held in a hybrid format (onsite and virtually) in Santiago de Chile between February 1st and 3rd, 2023. The main theme will be to accelerate the accomplishment of SDG 6: to guarantee the availability of water and its sustainable management...
Grupo regional de expertos Agua CEPAL
16 December 2022 | Other events
In the framework of the preparation of the United Nations Water Conference, which will take place in March next year, the meeting aimed to seek opportunities and identify synergies for side events to bring the Latin American and Caribbean perspective to the event.
Silvia Saravia Matus CEPAL
7 December 2022 | Other events
The Webinar, organized by Deltares and the Valuing Water Initiative, addressed the importance of valuing water in our societies, and exposed the synergies between the Initiative driven by the Netherlands and ECLAC with the objective of achieving a systemic change in decision-making and ensuring...
Unidad de Agua y Energia CCAD
29 November 2022 | Other events
The seminar, organized by CCAD, had as its main objective to increase the knowledge of public policies, strategies and instruments, for the management of the risk of droughts and floods in public entities and regional institutions. ECLAC participated in the event through its Water and Energy Unit,...
La CEPAL Fundación León
28 November 2022 | Other events
The Workshop, organized by UN Women Argentina and ECLAC, addressed the relationship between gender and water resources. It aimed at strengthening the capacities of the work teams of the entities of the established Cooperation Alliance. This Alliance seeks to improve the formulation and...
La división de recursos naturales Charla Magistral
24 November 2022 | Other events
The event organized by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, took place in Quito (Ecuador), in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center - PUCE, included the participation of experts from various institutions related to natural resources. ECLAC, through the Natural Resources Division,...
3r boletín grupo de expertos
22 November 2022 | Other events
The Regional Expert Group on Water Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean has been created in the preparatory framework for the World Water Conference 2023. Between September and November 2022, its members have promoted various activities that contribute to the acceleration of the achievement...
Consulta abierta prioridades hídricas el caribe
16 November 2022 | Other events
ECLAC developed a Caribbean open consultation to showcase the region's priorities on water resources. The consultation was conducted through an open online survey between August and October 2022. It intended to collect contributions from different regional stakeholders, as inputs to the preparatory...
Unidad de Agua y Energia Día Interam Agua
3 November 2022 | Other events
Inter-American Water Day is celebrated on November 3rd with the objective of raising awareness about the global water crisis and the need to seek measures to address it in order to achieve compliance with SDG 6 Water and sanitation for all before 2030.
