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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 results in 1 pages.
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC's during the closing ceremony.
28 November 2017 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in the closing of the international forum The Siege Upon Civilization: From Wall to Wall, organized by the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the University of Guadalajara.
Mario Cimoli, Director de la División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial y Oficial a Cargo de la División de Comercio Internacional e Integración de la CEPAL (a la izquierda), junto al Viceministro de Comercio de China, FANG Aiquing
9 November 2017 | News
A representative of the United Nations organization met with authorities from the Chinese government and made a presentation at a massive business gathering.
Mario Cimoli, Director de la División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial de la CEPAL (a la derecha), durante su presentación en Beijing
8 November 2017 | News
During a visit to the Asian country, a delegation from ECLAC presented the main conclusions of its report on the region’s international trade outlook.
Banner Paninsal 2017 ENG
25 October 2017 | Announcement
Alicia Bárcena, the organization’s Executive Secretary, will hold a press conference in Santiago, Chile on Monday, October 30.
Inauguración I Foro Académico CELAC-China
17 October 2017 | News
The First CELAC-China High-level Academic Forum was inaugurated at the organization’s headquarters in Santiago and attended by Chilean Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz.
Banner foro académico CELAC-China
16 de October de 2017 | Announcement
Reunión se efectuará en la sede del organismo en Santiago, Chile, el 17 y 18 de octubre.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, and Naciye Gökçen Kaya, the Republic of Turkey’s Ambassador to Chile, during the ceremony.
29 September 2017 | News
In a ceremony led by Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena and Ambassador Naciye Gökçen Kaya, the Turkish flag was raised for the first time at the UN regional organization’s offices.
Representantes de CAN, FONPLATA y CEPAL durante el taller.
10 de August de 2017 | News
CEPAL, CAN y FONPLATA realizaron taller en Bolivia en el marco del proyecto “Integración logística para una explotación más sostenible de los recursos naturales de América Latina y el Caribe”.
El Taller nacional de México sobre Políticas Integradas y Sostenibles de Logística se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones del Instituto Mexicano de Transporte (IMT) en Sanfandila, Querétaro, México.
15 de June de 2017 | News
Este evento es parte de las iniciativas de la CEPAL para el impulso de políticas de logística nacionales en Mesoamérica con el objeto de fortalecer el desarrollo y la integración regional.
portada documento
14 June 2017 | News
The Association Agreement with the European Union obligates the countries of the subregion to have an effective competition policy.
Participantes en la reunión binacional entre Haití y República Dominicana.
26 de May de 2017 | News
Con apoyo de la CEPAL, la Comisión Mixta Bilateral analizó propuestas para dar mayor transparencia, eficiencia y agilidad al movimiento de carga y de personas entre ambos países.
South-south cooperation meeting
25 April 2017 | News
In response to protectionist movements in the world, multilateralism will allow the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve development with equality and sustainability, says the organization.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) of Mexico.
18 April 2017 | News
All panels at the annual meeting will be broadcast live on April 26-28. The invitation on social networks is to participate in the debates using the hashtags #ForoALC2030 and #LACForum2030.
6 de March de 2017 | News
Enrique García, Presidente Ejecutivo de CAF, asumió la dirección del RIAL en reemplazo de Ricardo Lagos.