2-6 Oct 2017
Santiago, Chile
By registration

Cities Conference: Implementing the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean

2-6 Oct 2017 |
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One year on from Habitat III, the Cities Conference focused on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean for inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities.


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General Objectives of the Cities Conference

The Cities Conference was held at ECLAC´s headquarters in Santiago, Chile, from 2-6 of October 2017. In order to build impetus on the commitments adopted at Habitat III, it focused on the strategic aspects and mechanisms for the implementation and monitoring of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, with discussions particularly relating to the Regional Action Plan for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the proposal for a Regional Urban and Cities Platform.

Among its principle objectives, the conference sought to bring together the diverse actors involved in the planning and management of cities and urban development in order to dialogue about relevant aspects of the transition to sustainable urban development. The conference integrated sessions dedicated to urban resilience, public private cooperation, and urban mobility in order to contribute to the implementation and monitoring of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Cities Conference sought to be a strategic platform for dialogue towards implementing the New Urban Agenda, and contributing to the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs), particularly SDG 11, in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Presentations and recordings

Cities Conference 2017

General Memorandum 2017 Cities Conference


Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean 

The preparation of the Regional Action Plan has been coordinated by ECLAC, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Assembly of Ministers and High Authorities on Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI) within the collaborative framework for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.

More than 125 regional experts associated with diverse actor groups (ministries, local governments, academia, NGOs, development banks and the private sector) participated in expert group meetings throughout 2017.

A three weeks period of public consultation was opened from 17 October to 07 November 2017 in order to allow for input and comments from a broad range of interested parties on the working document. This process comprised the final stage of document development. Following final review and editing, the document will be launched in February 2018 at the Ninth session of the World Urban Forum.


Inquiries to Sophie Devine (sophie.devine@cepal.org)


Regional Action Plan for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016-2036


Subregional Action Plan for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in the Caribbean 

Preparation of the Subregional Action Plan was coordinated by ECLAC, in cooperation with the UN-Habitat and MINURVI. The document’s development was supported by a Caribbean Working Group representing multi-sector and multidisciplinary Caribbean experts.

A public consultation was opened from 10 November to 22 December 2017 which sought to integrate a wider group of actors and perspectives to ensure that the document effectively identifies and addresses the diversity of Caribbean territories, challenges and opportunities in the context of recent disasters and future development.


Inquiries to Katherine Indvik (katherine.indvik@cepal.org)


Subregional Action Plan  


Conference structure

  • Resilient Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Key Concepts, Experiences and Projections

 2 October 2017

This segment of the conference formed part of the collaboration between ECLAC and the German Cooperation (GIZ), as part of the project “Global Initiative on Disaster Risk Management” commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The day’s sessions sought to give impetus to the discussion about the regional implementation of the NUA with a focus on urban resilience and disaster risk management. The segment concluded with a dialogue supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC Canada) about how to reduce barriers and gaps to access financing in order to build resilient cities in LAC in the context of climate change.

  • Implementing the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean with the Regional Action Plan

3-4 October 2017

The sessions in this segment sought to discuss the different aspects associated with the governance, financing and monitoring of the Regional Action Plan. It also considered the Subregional Action Plan for the implementation of the Caribbean and analyse the proposal for a Latin American and Caribbean Urban and Cities Platform. Additionally, as was agreed at MINURVI´s XXVI General Assembly in June of this year, the conference provided a space for MINURVI representatives to share advances on urban policies and plans and monitoring frameworks for urban and habitat issues.

  • Public-Private Dialogue for Promoting Urban Sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean

4-5 October 2017

With the support of the French Government, ECLAC organized a dialogue to foster a renewed approach to the role of public private partnerships (PPPs) in urban sustainability. The dialogue was an important opportunity to discuss how more efficient collaboration between public and private actors can be achieved to implement sustainable projects in urban areas in Latin America and the Caribbean. Additionally, the dialogue sought to reflect about how emerging technologies can be leveraged to create more inclusive and sustainable cities.

  • Moving towards the Implementation of Safe, Affordable and Sustainable Urban Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean

5-6 October 2017

This segment of the Cities Conference was co-organized by ECLAC and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), with the support of the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Latin American (CAF) and GIZ-BMZ in the framework of the project “Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative”. The sessions analyzed opportunities to support a more systematic, widespread and accelerated implementation of safe, affordable and sustainable urban mobility in LAC, as part of the implementation of the Regional Action Plan and global agreements (Paris Agreement, SDGs, New Urban Agenda).




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