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CEPAL Review no.71

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CEPAL Review no.71

Physical Description: 176 páginas. Editorial: ECLAC Date: August 2000 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2060-P ISSN: 02512920 ISBN: 9211213053

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Table of contents

The role of the State and the quality of the public sector / Vito Tanzi. -- The effects of growth and economic reform on income distribution in Latin America / Samuel A. Morley. -- Education and income distribution in urban Brazil, 1976-1996 / Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Ricardo Paes de Barros. -- Structural changes and productivity in Latin American industry, 1970-1996 / Jorge Katz. -- Technological change and industrial dynamics in Latin America / Gustavo Burachik. -- Creating capabilities in local environments and production networks / Gabriel Yoguel. -- The potential for hub ports on the Pacific coast of South America / Jan Hoffmann. -- The tax regime for micro-enterprises in Cuba / Archibald R.M. Ritter. -- Employment and labour markets in the Dominican Republic: an overview of the literature / José R. Sánchez-Fung.