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16 April 2024 | Press Release
The seventh meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development was inaugurated today with the presence of the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed.
9 January 2024 | Press Release
According to a new joint publication by these two United Nations organizations, the increase in the regional employment rate, seen in 2022, slowed significantly in the first six months of 2023, while the participation rate declined.
29 de September de 2023 | Press Release
Nueva edición de la publicación destaca trabajos académicos sobre la urgencia de un acuerdo social de largo plazo en la región para lograr un crecimiento económico equitativo y con mayor inclusión social, los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el mercado laboral, y la relación de las evaluaciones de los alumnos con la productividad de la investigación universitaria, entre otros temas.
27 June 2023 | Press Release
Today authorities and specialists inaugurated the Third Regional Seminar on Social Development, organized by ECLAC in collaboration with numerous institutions.
25 March 2023 | Press Release
The document seeks to contribute to the debates of the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit, which concludes today in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
10 de May de 2022 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre la acumulación del capital en la región, cambio tecnológico y mercados laborales, entre otros temas.
25 January 2022 | Press Release
In its annual report Social Panorama of Latin America, ECLAC estimates that the number of people living in extreme poverty rose by around 5 million between 2020 and 2021. The United Nations organization calls for moving towards universal, comprehensive, sustainable and resilient social protection systems.
29 April 2021 | Press Release
A special issue of the CEPAL Review on COVID-19’s economic and social effects in the region was presented during a webinar led by Alicia Bárcena, the organization’s Executive Secretary.
4 March 2021 | Press Release
In a new annual report, ECLAC estimates that the total number of poor people rose to 209 million by the end of 2020, which is 22 million more people than in the previous year. In addition, it calls for creating a new welfare state.
15 July 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC updated its growth projections for Latin American and Caribbean countries today. It underscores that both the external and domestic shocks have been stronger than what was foreseen last April, which led to a downward revision of the figures.
10 July 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated in a side event at the United Nations High-level Political Forum on COVID-19’s socioeconomic impacts in the region and policy responses for building back better.
11 June 2020 | Press Release
An analysis by ECLAC and ILO highlights that the impacts of the pandemic could be the cause of more than 300,000 children and adolescents being obliged to work. This analysis considers it imperative to adopt measures to tackle this situation.
9 June 2020 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated in a high-level international event on inequalities and the informal economy during and after the pandemic.
21 May 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC and the ILO presented a new joint publication in which they analyze labour challenges in the wake of the pandemic. The organizations indicate that the crisis will likely cause 11.5 million more people to be unemployed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
22 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in a webinar organized by the Carolina Foundation of Spain, on multilateral action in Ibero-America in the face of the epidemic.
21 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC released new growth projections for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It underscores that in the medium term, this crisis will provoke structural changes in the organization of production, international trade, and the current globalization model.
20 de April de 2020 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre determinantes de la productividad laboral en México, un enfoque regional para estudiar la diversidad industrial en Argentina y la anatomía de la clase media brasileña, entre otros temas.
19 de December de 2019 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre precariedad laboral en Chile, disparidades fiscales regionales en Uruguay y una exploración empírica de la calidad de vida del adulto mayor, entre otros temas.
23 October 2018 | Press Release
In a joint publication, the organizations forecast, for example, that the transition toward energy sustainability would create more than one million jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030.
22 May 2018 | Press Release
In a new joint publication, the United Nations organizations indicate that the lack of retirement income forces many men and women over 60 in the region to remain active in the labor market.