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8 October 2021 | News
An international seminar organized by ECLAC on October 6-7 announced the key findings of a project financed by the United Nations Development Account.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
28 September 2021 | News
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, stressed the importance of international cooperation to redistribute concessional funding to the nations most affected by the crisis, at a high-level event held in the framework of the UN General Assembly.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary.
21 September 2021 | News
Alicia Bárcena, the organization’s Executive Secretary, participated in the 14th National Dialogue for a Social Mexico: Development and Society after the Pandemic, organized by the UNAM’s University Program for Development Studies.
Panel de la reunión.
11 de August de 2021 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL participó hoy en un evento organizado por la Iniciativa Social para América Latina y el Caribe (ISALC).
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
6 July 2021 | Announcement
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will unveil the document during a virtual press conference on Thursday, July 8, held from the institution’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
29 April 2021 | Press Release
A special issue of the CEPAL Review on COVID-19’s economic and social effects in the region was presented during a webinar led by Alicia Bárcena, the organization’s Executive Secretary.
Portada Revista CEPAL 132 número especial
27 April 2021 | Announcement
The United Nations regional organization’s main academic publication will hold a webinar on Thursday, April 29, led by Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena.
15 de April de 2021 | News
Ambas instituciones organizaron el Seminario virtual “Afrontar los desafíos de la informalidad laboral desde el territorio: herramientas para la formulación de políticas” como parte de un proyecto de la Cuenta de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo.
4 March 2021 | Press Release
In a new annual report, ECLAC estimates that the total number of poor people rose to 209 million by the end of 2020, which is 22 million more people than in the previous year. In addition, it calls for creating a new welfare state.
Banner Social Panorama of Latin America 2020
1 March 2021 | Announcement
The annual report “Social Panorama of Latin America 2020” will be unveiled at a virtual press conference by the United Nations organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, on Thursday, March 4.