Events List

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Showing 1 to 20 of 63 results in 4 pages.
Eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable: 9 and 10 September 2024
9 de setembro de 2024 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
Confronting the challenges to resilient growth and sustainable development in the Caribbean: from dialogue to action post the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States
30th Session of the Caribbean Development logo rec
9 de setembro de 2024 | Conferencias y reuniones de órganos subsidiarios
Twenty-first Session of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee
3 de novembro de 2023 | Comitê de monitoramento
CDCC member countries and associate members will convene for the twenty-first meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.
CDCC event banner
14 de outubro de 2022 | Comité Ejecutivo
Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) Member Countries and Associate Members will convene for the 29th session. (Meeting documents can be found below)
Image of Paramaribo
12 de outubro de 2022 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
Seventh meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable - The Caribbean: Recovery and Repositioning in the context of COVID-19 and beyond The Caribbean Development Roundtable will bring together regional and international development thinkers and practitioners, leaders and senior policymakers...
Banner of 20th Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the CDCC
5 de novembro de 2021 | Comitê de monitoramento
Los países miembros y los miembros asociados del CDCC se reunirán virtualmente para la Vigésima Reunión del Comité de Monitoreo del Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe.
CDCC Banner
10 de setembro de 2020 | Comité Ejecutivo
Pursuant to resolution 358(XVI) of 1975, the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) was created as a permanent subsidiary body of the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote development cooperation among Caribbean countries.
CDR Banner by ECLAC
10 de setembro de 2020 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
This year the Caribbean Development Roundtable (CDR) takes stock of the progress so far made in persuading the international community to extend the financial support needed by Member States.
Conference Banner
17 de maio de 2019 | Comitê de monitoramento
La XIX Reunión del Comité de Monitoreo del Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe (CDCC, por sus siglas en inglés), órgano subsidiario de la CEPAL, se celebró el 17 de mayo de 2019 en Puerto España, Trinidad y Tabago.
Learning Conference 2019
15 de maio de 2019 | Outros eventos
This international event is co-organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This event is based on...
CDCC 27_logo
27 de abril de 2018 | Comité Ejecutivo
Pursuant to resolution 358(XVI) of 1975, the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) was created as a permanent subsidiary body of the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote development cooperation among Caribbean countries.
CDR 5_logo
26 de abril de 2018 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
This year the Caribbean Development Roundtable (CDR) takes a frontal look at four major issues facing the region with a view to identifying workable solutions to address them successfully.
Hyatt - Port of Spain
19 de maio de 2017 | Comitê de monitoramento
CDCC member countries and associate members will convene in Port of Spain for the 18th meeting of the CDCC Monitoring Committee.
22 de abril de 2016 | Comité Ejecutivo
Participants will take stock of the outcomes of the Caribbean Development Roundtable (CDR), and review the implementation of the work programme for the ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean for the biennium 2018-2019.
21 de abril de 2016 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
This year’s Roundtable will explore possible options for debt relief for heavily indebted countries in the subregion.
26 de junho de 2015 | Comitê de monitoramento
“There is no question that the Caribbean is shouldering an unsustainable debt burden which compromises the capacity of the economies for sustained growth and restricts the options available to governments to introduce important social and welfare programmes” the Executive Secretary of the Economic...
23 de abril de 2014 | Reuniões e seminários técnicos
