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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 results in 1 pages.
20 de mayo de 2024 | Otros eventos
In his first official visit to Washington D.C. since being appointed Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs was a speaker at the 54th Annual Washington Conference: Advancing the Business Case for the Americas,...
13 de febrero de 2024 | Otros eventos
This past February 8th 2024, Andres Valenciano, Chief of Washington Office, had the opportunity to participate on the "Remaking Trade For a Sustainable Future" event at Georgetown University Law Center. The event was organized by Center on Inclusive Trade and Development co-led by Jennifer Hillman...
13 de noviembre de 2023 | Otros eventos
How can trade and trade-related policy tools contribute to a just, climate resilient, low-carbon energy transition? Which goods, services and technologies can support efforts to increase the proportion of renewable sources in national energy mixes? · What trade-related measures have...
3 de noviembre de 2023 | Otros eventos
SPPN Annual Meetings: Georgetown University
27 de octubre de 2023 | Otros eventos
The event seized the opportunity of being back-to-back with the Regional LAC Platform of Ministers of Finance to address common interests in the private and public sectors working together for further greening of the financial system.
25 de octubre de 2023 | Otros eventos
How is Japanese engagement with the region evolving to accommodate shifting global and regional conditions? What are the possibilities for enhanced Japan-Latin America cooperation on issues of shared concern, including food security, economic resilience, and the integrity of democratic institutions...
2 de octubre de 2023 | Otros eventos
Top legal and business professionals from the United States and Latin America as they look to bridge industries and drive collaboration across borders. This year’s discussions will focus on how businesses across various industries are reshaping relationships within the region, as well as the...
15 de septiembre de 2023 | Otros eventos
Remaking the Global Trading System for a Sustainable Future High-Level Summit 15–17 September 2023. Hosted by the Villars Institute in partnership with Remaking Global Trade for a Sustainable Future Project
28 de Enero de 2020 | Otros eventos
This initiative was launched during the VIII Summit of the Americas (Peru, April 2018), when leaders of the Americas and Caribbean approved the creation of the Inter-American Task Force on Women’s Leadership to promote gender equity and women’s leadership through enhanced cooperation and synergies...
4 de septiembre de 2018 | Otros eventos
Inés Bustillo, Director of the ECLAC Washington Office, and ten other international organizations signed an agreement to formalize a framework of collaboration and to facilitate cooperation in support of the implementation and follow-up of the mandates of the Summits of the Americas.
31 de agosto de 2017 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
Reunión interagencial organizada por CEPAL y la OPS
17 de junio de 2015 | Otros eventos
The Director of the ECLAC Washington Office, Inés Bustillo participated in the Launch of the Inter-American Task Force on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) at OAS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
16 de abril de 2015 | Reuniones y seminarios técnicos
The Director of the ECLAC Washington Office, Inés Bustillo Moderates Panel on The Challenge of Access to Finance for MSME's OAS Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
18 de marzo de 2015 | Otros eventos
Objetivos: Una conferencia regional de dos días en que se lanzará el Informe de la OCDE sobre Estudios de Mercado en Latinoamérica y se realizará una capacitación en la materia para expertos gubernamentales de las agencias de competencia de la región con el apoyo de expertos de Reino Unido (CMA...