migration Inequality links. Structural heterogeneity, employment and social protection
(July 2012, Spanish only)

Author: ECLAC

Based on the general guidelines of the document Time for equality, presented by ECLAC at its thirty-third session (Brasilia, 2010), this book highlights the links between employment and social protection. Part of the “Time for Equality Collection” of ECLAC (available only in Spanish), this publication aims to provide evidence on how inequalities arise and are transmitted at the interface between the labour market and social protection, while also suggesting a policy framework that could help to improve the synergies between the two spheres.

public-private partnerships The State and women's autonomy
(July 2012, Spanish only)

Author: ECLAC

This document, included in the “Time for Equality Collection” of ECLAC (available only in Spanish), is the result of a study that ECLAC began in 2009 and that led to the document What kind of State? What kind of equality?, which was presented in Brasilia at the eleventh session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (2010). It states the need to formulate a new social and fiscal covenant to redistribute all work in society (productive and reproductive work) among men and women, including the adoption of all necessary measures by the State (legislative, institutional, educational, health and fiscal measures and those relating to women's participation in decision making), so as to eliminate gender bias in the labour market.

women Atlas. Sociodemographic diagnostic of indigenous peoples in Argentina
(June 2012, Spanish only)

Author: Bruno Ribotta

This document was produced as part of the ECLAC-Ford Foundation project on territorial inequalities and social exclusion of indigenous and Afrodescendent peoples in Latin American countries. The aim is to present a sociodemographic analysis of the indigenous peoples of Argentina, with data from the 2001 population, household and housing census. The information is expected to facilitate the design and monitoring of programmes and policies targeting these groups.

climate change impacts Corporate governance in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico: risk assessment in the issuing of corporate debt instruments
(March 2012, Spanish only)

Coordinators: Georgina Núñez and Andrés Oneto

In recent years, corporate governance (CG) has taken on increasing importance. ECLAC, in partnership with other international agencies such as OECD, the Latin American development bank (CAF) and IDB, carried out a project aimed at building a matrix that brings together the main strengths and weaknesses of corporate governance regulations directly related to debt issuance in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. This defines a series of indicators in the light of the regulations and compliance mechanisms. There is a benchmark value that considers CG principles to strengthen the issuance of bonds that, when applied, generate market incentives and a legal system that promotes the expansion of debt markets.

climate change impacts Economic forecasting: an introduction to the state of the art
(April 2012, Spanish only)

Author: Luis Mauricio Cuervo

As part of the celebrations to mark its 50th anniversary, the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) of ECLAC has published this study that highlights the importance of State policies aiming for the long term. The document states that planning can be a powerful tool that can bring together the interests of different stakeholders (State, society, government, external environment), various spheres (national and local), with public policies (State, national and subnational plans and programmes) with a long-term vision (sustainability).

climate change impacts

The new ECLAC Publications website now offers free downloads of e-books in Spanish. There are various Spanish-language publications now available in pdf, epub, mobi, rtf, swf, which can be viewed on Apple or Android mobile devices and the Amazon Kindle. For more information, follow the link (Spanish only).