Through the astute analysis of official statistics, we can gather a more complete picture of the economic performance of a given country, and...
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Using a new database of quarterly data for 21 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean for the 1990-2012 period, this document shows that the...
United States Trade Developments 2013-2014, is an annual report prepared by the ECLAC Washington Office. It provides an overview of the most...
For six years, the global economy has been driven by the U.S. Federal Reserve’s policies of easy money. Liquidity has flowed from developed to...
The current survey provides an overview of the economic performance for 2013 of the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad...
O escasso dinamismo da economia internacional e a volatilidade financeira caracterizaram a economia mundial em 2013. A maior demanda externa e um...
This survey posits that improving global prospects especially in the United States and Europe will mean opportunities for positive growth in the...
A edição número 65 do Estudo Econômico da América Latina e do Caribe corresponde ao biênio 2012 2013. Tal como as edições anteriores, na primeira...
The current survey provides an overview of the economic performance for 2011 and the outlook for 2012 of the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana,...
This study analyzes the patterns of development in the Caribbean and gives particular focus to the challenges to and opportunities for sustainable...
Este documento é uma contribuição da Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) e da Secretaria-Geral Ibero-Americana (SEGIB) ao...
El volumen número 64 del Estudio económico consta de cuatro capítulos. En el primero se revisa la evolución económica de América Latina y el...
Con ocasión del trigésimo cuarto período de sesiones de la Comisión Económica para
América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL);, (San Salvador,...
En el presente artículo, basado en los postulados de Kaldor sobre las fases deldesarrollo, se concluye que -a pesar de haberse modernizado gracias...