Costa Rica has become a new centre of international competitiveness in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its share in the imports of...
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Resumen Este documento tiene por propósito examinar algunos antecedentes sobre el mercado y el sistema de derechos de aguas en Chile. A pesar de...
Abstract This paper presents the results of an investigation of manufacturing firm strategies and changes in these strategies as a result of trade...
Abstract The globalization process based on more intense trade competition among countries coupled with a process of transnationalisation, in...
Abstract Quality will play an increasingly important role in the objectives for the social and economic development of the countries in Latin...
Resumen En el presente documento se hace una rese a de las principales innovaciones tecnológicas incorporadas a la actividad hortofrutícola...
Resumen Es indudable que las empresas transnacionales son las protagonistas del nuevo orden industrial internacional, en virtud del cual la...