ECLAC, in the area of economic development, aims to promote equitable long-term economic growth and the effective generation and allocation of financial resources to support development and equality in the Latin American and Caribbean countries. ECLAC pursues this goal through a threefold strategy: the systematic monitoring of macroeconomic policies and reforms; the evaluation of their impact in terms of sustainability, efficiency and equity; and substantive support for the formulation and implementation of these policies by governments.
The mission of ECLAC in the area of social development consists in promoting integral human development with a rights-based approach in Latin America and the Caribbean; conducting and disseminating analyses of the social situation in the region on particular issues and with respect to specific groups of the population; analysing the impacts, levels of investment and management of social policies and programmes implemented by the governments in the region, at their various levels; disseminating details of successful or innovative experiences to inform decision-making in countries; advising governments in the region on issues of social development; and helping train the professionals and technicians of the relevant public bodies.
In its statistical work, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) aims to promote the creation and use of internationally comparable, accurate and timely statistical information of relevance in the formulation, follow-up and evaluation of economic, social and environmental development policies in the region. This mission is based on three lines of action: (a) promoting best practices and disseminating internationally comparable methodologies; (b) providing advisory and technical cooperation services to strengthen countries’ technical and institutional capacities in the statistical field and facilitate horizontal cooperation and the sharing of expertise; and (c) carrying out methodological development activities (proposing and adapting indicators).
The mission of ECLAC in the area of population and development is to increase and enhance the ability of the region’s countries to describe, analyse, comprehend and address population dynamics and their links to economic and social development, with a view to incorporating demographic factors into public policies and programmes, especially those aimed at reducing poverty and inequality. To achieve its strategic objective, the Division has received extensive support from organizations of the United Nations system, especially the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and other donors.
La mission de la CEPALC dans ce domaine est de produire et de diffuser des analyses et des propositions politiques visant à renforcer la participation de la région de l'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes au commerce mondial et à favoriser l'intégration régionale, en particulier en ce qui concerne les questions économiques. À cette fin, la CEPALC produit des études et des publications, organise des conférences et des séminaires, fournit une assistance technique aux gouvernements et aux organismes d'intégration de la région, et développe et gère une série de bases de données. Le travail de la division du commerce international et de l'intégration couvre les aspects quantitatifs et qualitatifs de ces deux thèmes, en coordination avec d'autres divisions de la CEPALC et des bureaux nationaux et sous-régionaux.
The mission of ECLAC in the field of development planning is to contribute to improving the public administration and economic and social planning processes of the region’s national and subnational governments. ECLAC advocates the agenda put forward by its subsidiary body, the Regional Council for Planning (CRP), to strengthen planning in the region. To this end, ECLAC provides the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with training, professional development and capacity-building services in subjects related to development planning, forecasting, strategic State management and territorial development.
The ECLAC mission in the area of production, productivity and management is to prepare and disseminate analysis and policy proposals on the structure and dynamics of production and innovation systems at the sectoral and microeconomic level, as well as their determinants. It also focuses on economic, social and environmental impacts in this area. ECLAC evaluates and prepares public policy proposals, promotes the exchange of experiences, provides technical assistance and supports capacity-building among relevant economic actors in the region.
The ECLAC mission in the area of sustainable development and human settlements is to contribute to evaluation of progress in public policies, instruments and institutions, with a view to promoting more inclusive economic activity with a smaller environmental footprint in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Accordingly, ECLAC addresses the three dimensions of sustainable development simultaneously. In sum, the ECLAC’s efforts are aimed at translating the sustainable development vision of Latin America and the Caribbean into operative public policies.
The primary mission of ECLAC in the area of natural resources and infrastructure is to foster competitiveness and greater productivity for economic and social development through the sustainable management of natural resources and the provision of infrastructure services in the countries of the region. To this end, ECLAC works to build countries’ institutional capacities to devise and implement public policies and regulatory frameworks with a view to increasing efficiency in the sustainable management of natural resources and in the provision of public utilities and infrastructure services. It also strives to achieve greater policy harmonization and coordination, to promote exchanges of best practices at the subregional and regional levels in these areas and to make best use of experiences at the global level.
The Division for Gender Affairs plays an active role in gender mainstreaming within regional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. It works in close collaboration with the national machineries for the advancement of women in the region, civil society, the women’s movement, feminist organizations and public policymakers, including national statistics institutes.
La Sede Subregional en México se estableció en 1951 y sirve a 10 países: Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá y la República Dominicana. Funciona como un centro de asistencia técnica e investigación de excelencia para asesorar a los gobiernos de la región, al más alto nivel, en el diseño, formulación, seguimiento y evaluación de políticas públicas, además de dar capacitación a funcionarios públicos.
The mission of the ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean is to deepen the understanding of the development challenges facing the Caribbean, and to contribute to solutions by conducting research and analysis and providing sound policy advice and technical assistance to Caribbean governments, focused on growth with equity and recognition of the subregion’s vulnerability.
La Oficina de la CEPAL en Bogotá desarrolla estudios y actividades de cooperación técnica en asocio con instituciones nacionales y gubernamentales. La Oficina contribuye con visiones de América Latina y el Caribe a las políticas de desarrollo económico, social, ambiental e institucional en Colombia y le aporta la perspectiva colombiana a los trabajos de índole regional de la CEPAL.
Dentro de los proyectos realizados contamos con: Tejidos territoriales, Vínculos Rurales-Urbanos para el desarrollo inclusivo en Colombia, el cual se llevó a cabo en el marco de la Cuenta del Desarrollo de Naciones Unidas.
La oficina de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) en Brasilia lleva a cabo trabajos de investigación y cooperación técnica, mediante acuerdos con diversos organismos de la administración federal. Su labor consiste en analizar las transformaciones de la economía brasileña, prestar asistencia técnica y realizar proyectos en temas de desarrollo, capacitación de recursos humanos, organización de seminarios e intercambio de técnicos, así como de apoyo a estados, municipios, asociaciones profesionales o universidades.
La Oficina de la CEPAL en la Argentina desarrolla trabajos de investigación y cooperación técnica solicitados por instituciones nacionales y provinciales, lo que permite contribuir desde la perspectiva nacional a los trabajos de índole regional que lleva a cabo la CEPAL, a la vez que su experiencia internacional se vuelca en los trabajos desarrollados en Argentina.
La oficina de la CEPAL en Montevideo realiza trabajos de investigación y asesoramiento a instituciones públicas del país, con la finalidad de contribuir con su experiencia internacional a la comprensión de problemas relacionados con las políticas económicas, sociales y ambientales del país.
La Oficina de la CEPAL en Washington, D.C., sirve de enlace con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, el Gobierno del Canadá y las organizaciones internacionales con sede en la capital estadounidense. Con su labor de investigación y asistencia técnica, la Oficina contribuye al análisis de las relaciones económicas entre América Latina y el Caribe y los Estados Unidos y el Canadá.