National energy efficiency monitoring report of Guyana

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National energy efficiency monitoring report of Guyana



Wood, Shevon -
Rowena, Candice -

Physical Description: 38 páginas.

Publisher: ECLAC

UN Symbol (Signatura): LC/TS.2020/27


avril 23, 2020

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Although oil production is just starting in Guyana, the Government of Guyana is well aware that fossil fuels are a finite resource and do not last forever. It therefore continues to take a strategic approach to the development of a sustainable and cleaner energy sector, and the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) is considering energy efficiency measurements as a tool for strengthening energy security, securing a long-term reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and increasing revenue and cost savings. With the support of the Regional Observatory on Sustainable Energies (ROSE), GEA has built a database of energy efficiency indicators that allows for their subsequent analysis. Most of the indicators are based on data available from the Guyana Bureau of Statistics, Guyana Power and Light Inc., the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority and many other stakeholders.

This report analyses the information collected on the main sectors of the country, including energy, industry, transportation, agriculture and services, as well as households, and explains the energy efficiency trends in Guyana. This research seeks to strengthen institutional capacities not only to collect, collate and analyse energy efficiency data, but also to strengthen national, evidence-based policymaking capacities.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • I. Energy efficiency trends in the energy sector
  • II. Energy efficiency trends in the manufacturing and industry sector
  • III. Energy efficiency trends in the tertiary sector
  • IV. Energy efficiency in households
  • V. Energy efficiency in transport
  • VI. Energy efficiency in services
  • VII. Energy efficiency trends in agriculture
  • VIII. Conclusion.