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Showing 1 to 20 of 59 results in 3 pages.
Publication cover
Enero 2023 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In this digitally transforming world, digital inclusion is becoming increasingly important to social inclusion and sustainable development....

Publication cover
diciembre 2022 |
  • Walker, Laverne
  • de Paula, Jônatas

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) is important in advancing sustainable development across the globe. One approach available to countries...

Publication cover
diciembre 2022 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

In Caribbean small island developing States (SIDS), electrical power outages are frequent in the aftermath of major weather events. While local...

Publication cover
noviembre 2022 |
Publication cover
octubre 2022 |

En un contexto regional e internacional de bajo crecimiento, alta inflación y creciente desigualdad, los países de América Latina y el Caribe...

Publication cover
octubre 2022 |

En un contexto regional e internacional de bajo crecimiento, alta inflación y creciente desigualdad, los países de América Latina y el Caribe...

Publication cover
julio 2022 |
  • Cabello, Sebastián M.

En este trabajo, se analizan las estrategias implementadas en las ciudades de Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Ciudad de México y São Paulo (Brasil), en...

Publication cover
abril 2022 |
  • Grottera, Carolina

Economic crises are not new, but the way countries respond to and seek to build back from their effects is an ever-evolving process. In the...

Publication cover
octubre 2021 |

Este documento es una contribución para que los países de América Latina y el Caribe avancen hacia la electromovilidad. La movilidad urbana en las...

Publication cover
septiembre 2021 |
Publication cover
julio 2021 |
Publication cover
junio 2021 |
  • Kim, Hyejung

This document presents the climate adaptation technologies applied in cities in the Republic of Korea and their implications for Latin American...

Publication cover
diciembre 2020 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This brief is intended to provide general information on the upcoming United Nations Ocean Conference on scaling up ocean actions based on science...

Publication cover
septiembre 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...

Publication cover
septiembre 2020 |
  • Fontes de Meira, Luciana
  • Bello, Omar

The application of technologies, research, development, promotion of innovative approaches and local knowledge to confront complex issues posed by...

Publication cover
agosto 2020 |

Today, Brazil and many countries around the world are seeking to stimulate economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life. In this context...

Publication cover
julio 2020 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The Caribbean subregion is exceptionally vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. Vulnerability is a key...

Publication cover
junio 2020 |
  • Bárcena Ibarra, Alicia
  • Samaniego, Joseluis
  • Peres, Wilson
  • Alatorre, José Eduardo

En este libro se presentan los resultados de más de un decenio de trabajo realizado en la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (...