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Showing 3481 to 3500 of 3700 results in 185 pages.
Publication cover
marzo 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
Publication cover
febrero 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington
Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Held, Günther

The Latin American countries' reorientation towards market economies and their efforts to open their economies up to the international market...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Cominetti, Rossella

The external and internal imbalances that appeared in the early 1980s, together with the adjustment and stabilization policies applied throughout...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Larraín P., Christian

This article analyses the main challenges involved in modernizing bank supervision in the light of recent banking crises and the changes currently...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Azpiazu, Daniel
  • Vispo, Adolfo

The reduction of the role of the State in the Latin American economies has become one of the central topics in the debate on the process of the...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994 |
  • Hopenhayn, Martín

Within the context of the globalization of the economy, communication and culture and the transition towards societies based on information and...

Publication cover
diciembre 1994
Publication cover
noviembre 1994 |

Esta tercera edición del Panorama social de América Latina es la expresión del esfuerzo de la Secretaría de la CEPAL por incorporar...

Publication cover
septiembre 1994 |

En los últimos años, frente a los efectos de la prolongada crisis de los años ochenta y también a las transformaciones en el panorama...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Uthoff, Andras

In recent years, a number of countries of the region have gained renewed access to international financial markets, thus passing abruptly from a...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |
  • Cintra, Marcos Antônio Macedo

This article presents a critique of the theory of financial repression, in place of which it offers an alternative approach to development...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |

The progress made by the countries of the region in their stabilization processes has led policy-makers and entrepreneurs to pay increasing...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

The debate in the region on industrial policy is currently centered on policies to promote competitiveness in the context of open economies. It...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |
  • Fuentes, Juan Alberto

Economic integration in Latin America has entered upon a new stage, conditioned by new development strategies undertaken mostly by democratically...

Publication cover
agosto 1994 |
  • Arriagada, Irma

This article seeks to make an orderly summary of the information on urban female labour in Latin America in the 1990s and thus make a contribution...