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Showing 3461 to 3480 of 3702 results in 186 pages.
Publication cover
agosto 1995 |
  • Solanes, Miguel

Latin America has kept in step with the worldwide trend towards the privatization of public utilities. Its motivation for doing so stems from a...

Publication cover
agosto 1995 |
  • Labarca, Guillermo

The technology employed by Latin America's educational systems was developed by the countries which are now industrialized. This technology...

Publication cover
julio 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington
Publication cover
julio 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The Caribbean Meeting of Experts on Implementation of the SIDS Programme of Action,
held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Port of Spain, Trinidad...

Publication cover
junio 1995 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
Publication cover
marzo 1995 |

El enfoque de esta edición está
dirigido a la planificación a nivel de cuenca.
Ultimamente, en varios países de la región

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Lahera, Eugenio
  • Ottone, Ernesto
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

There is growing consensus that although a solid, balanced macroeconomic base is a necessary condition for development, it is not of itself enough...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Castillo, Graciana del

The multidisciplinary peace-keeping and post-conflict peace-building (PCPB); operations of today have imposed on the United Nations a multifaceted...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Araújo, José Tavares de

This paper discusses the interplay between domestic policies and foreign interests under the institutional framework to be administered by'...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Hopenhayn, Benjamín

This article explores the causes, consequences, magnitude and forms of a phenomenon which is of fundamental importance in the current scene and...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Moguillansky, Graciela

The region's changeover from a shortage of external funds to a relatively plentiful supply of such resources at a time when an effort is...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Gligo, Nicolo

Most studies of the region's economy say little or nothing about the status of its environment and natural resources; few references are made...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Dirven, Martine

The greater openness to the outside world exhibited today by rural, peasant and indigenous groups is particularly notable among the young people...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Bielschowsky, Ricardo
  • Stumpo, Giovanni

The central focus of this article is on the role played by transnational corporations in the industrial realignment of Argentina, Brazil, Chile...

Publication cover
abril 1995 |
  • Kuri Gaytán, Armando

Dedicated to Fernando Fajnzylber, In memoriam
This article analyses the approach which ECLAC has taken to the subject of technology. In this...