Serie que reúne un conjunto de documentos multitemáticos resultantes de los estudios e investigaciones de la CEPAL. Responsable: Oficina de la CEPAL en Washington. ISSN impreso: 1727-9909 ISSN electrónico: 1728-5437.
Sustainable bond issuances in international markets, 2014–2022: characteristics, trends and greenium in Latin America and the Caribbean
This document examines the evolution of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)’s international issuance of sustainable bonds —green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bonds (GSSS)— since the region’s first international green bond was issued in December 2014. Reaching a cumulative...
Descripción física: 70 pages. Editorial: ECLAC Fecha: diciembre 2023 Signatura: LC/WAS/TS.2023/5