The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean is convening a Regional Expert Group Meeting on Knowledge Management for Development, which will be held at its Port of Spain Office on Tuesday 17 November 2009. The objectives of the Expert Group Meeting are:
(a) To increase awareness on the topic of knowledge management as a tool to promote economic development, environmental protection and social empowerment;
(b) To advance discussions towards a practical knowledge management approach for the Caribbean subregion.
The findings of a report recently prepared by the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean on the topic of Knowledge Management for Development will be presented at the meeting, and will serve as the basis for the deliberations. Two main aspects of the report are expected to be fundamental for the discussions, namely: (a) the existence of a rich cultural heritage and traditional knowledge in the Caribbean that can lead to potential contributions to the development of the subregion; and (b) the development of a Knowledge Management approach as a key contributing factor towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the subregion by the establishment of a “methodology” for collecting, creating and sharing information and experiences from within and outside the region.
Presentations on Knowledge Management for Development initiatives implemented in the region will be showcased which will be followed by interactive discussions.