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10 Enero 2025 | Infografía
A Roadmap for Business and Community Growth This infographic outlines key strategies for sustainable business development and community empowerment. It highlights essential steps to enhance data collection, expand into niche markets, and reduce operational costs, while also addressing skills gaps and integrating sustainable practices. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of engaging with local communities, investing in infrastructure, and preparing comprehensive crisis management plans. These actions together form a blueprint for boosting business resilience and fostering community love. Background: This infographic was created from the study entitled Building post-pandemic economic resilience by diversifying tourism: the case of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia. This study explores the pandemic's $7 billion impact on tourism in Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis (2020–2022) and highlights recovery through niche markets like cultural heritage, wellness, and eco-tourism. Addressing challenges such as skills gaps and data scarcity, it recommends improved planning, stakeholder engagement, and investment in human capital to build a resilient, diversified tourism sector.
31 Enero 2024 | Infografía
This infographic from Study 110 explores the role of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in driving sustainable development in the Caribbean. While STI is recognized as crucial for progress, the study finds that many Caribbean nations have yet to prioritize it, and existing policies remain underdeveloped. The current driver of change in the region is renewable energy, influenced by factors such as reliance on expensive imported fossil fuels, falling costs of renewable energy technologies, and international commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To foster STI advancement, the study recommends promoting an STI culture, enhancing institutional support, increasing funding, integrating STI into education, and encouraging collaboration between governments, private sectors, and research institutions.
14 de diciembre de 2023 | Infografía
Para 2024, se espera que el PIB en América Latina y el Caribe crezca 1,9%, con lo que se mantendrá la dinámica de bajo crecimiento.
1 de agosto de 2023 | Infografía
Tenemos el honor de invitarle a la serie de conferencias magistrales de pensadores prominentes que se realizarán en 2023 y 2024, convocadas en el marco de la conmemoración del 75° aniversario de la CEPAL.
15 de marzo de 2023 | Infografía
ECLAC is an organization that conducts applied research of excellence and provides technical assistance to the governments of the region in order to formulate and monitor public policies. The historical focus of ECLAC’s subregional headquarters in Mexico is and has been the integration of the countries with which it works: Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico and Panama.
15 de marzo de 2023 | Infografía
A Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL) é pioneira na avaliação de desastres.
15 marzo 2023 | Infografía
15 marzo 2023 | Infografía
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is a pioneer in disaster assessment in the region and developed a methodology called DaLA to assess the damages and losses caused by disasters. Find out in this infographic what it is, how it works and what it is for countries.
15 de marzo de 2023 | Infografía
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) es pionera en la evaluación de desastres en la región y desarrollo una metodología llamada DaLA. Conozca en esta infografía qué es, cómo funciona y para qué sirve a los países.
31 Enero 2023 | Infografía
This infographic introduces the findings from Study 112, focusing on the digital transformation journey across Caribbean nations. It highlights the varying stages of digital inclusion within countries like Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Jamaica, and others. The central aim is to ensure equal access to digital tools and technologies, addressing digital inequalities that mirror social inequalities, particularly in gender, migration, disability, and rural populations. Key challenges for policymakers include broadband access, digital skills training, and cybersecurity. The infographic presents a five-step strategy to build a digitally inclusive Caribbean, emphasizing people-centered transformation, data-driven approaches, and enhancing digital literacy.
30 de septiembre de 2020 | Infografía
Mediante este conjunto de infografías la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) busca contribuir, a partir de su bagaje histórico, a la permanente renovación de la propuesta de desarrollo e integración para Centroamérica. Esta propuesta enfatiza la necesidad de un cambio estructural progresivo que puede impulsarse desde diversos frentes: el sector social, la energía, el cambio climático y sus retos, la infraestructura, la coordinación fiscal, el comercio, la integración productiva y la innovación. Se subraya la importancia de un gran impulso ambiental para la igualdad y la sostenibilidad, sustentado en políticas públicas coordinadas que desvinculen el desarrollo de externalidades ambientales y mejoren la calidad de vida de la población.
30 septiembre 2020 | Infografía
The proposal for development and integration in Central America put forward by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on the basis of its considerable prior experience, is set out and updated in these infographics. The proposal emphasizes the need for a progressive structural change driven across various fronts: the social sector, energy, climate change challenges, infrastructure, fiscal coordination, trade, productive integration and innovation. It focuses on the importance of an environmental big push for equality and sustainability, supported by coordinated public policies capable of decoupling development from environmental externalities and improving the quality of life of the population.
2 de mayo de 2018 | Infografía
En 2018, la CEPAL celebra en Cuba su 37 Período de Sesiones, en el que representantes de sus 46 Estados miembros y 13 miembros asociados debatirán sobre los principales desafíos para la implementación de la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe.
9 mayo 2017 | Infografía
A daunting challenge faced by financial institutions in the Caribbean in recent years is the growing trend being adopted by large global banks that serve as correspondent banks to local financial institutions, to severely limit or terminate their correspondent banking relationships (CBRs) with these local or regional banks (respondent banks). This practice is considered a form of “de-risking”, whereby business relationships with clients or categories of clients considered “high-risk” are restricted or terminated. So far, financial institutions in 12 Caribbean countries have had the CBRs of at least one of their local banks terminated or “de-risked”.
22 de diciembre de 2015 | Infografía
La política fiscal puede ser un poderoso instrumento de redistribución del ingreso, clave para el desarrollo inclusivo, según la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, CEPAL. Aquí te presentamos qué países de la región han realizado reformas tributarias y en qué áreas durante 2014 y el primer semestre de 2015.
9 de septiembre de 2015 | Infografía
Esta infografía forma parte de una serie producida por la CEPAL para revisar el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) en América Latina y el Caribe.
1 de junio de 2015 | Infografía
Infografía sobre los objetivos y acciones de la Unidad de Desarrollo Económico
20 de noviembre de 2014 | Infografía
América Latina y el Caribe cuenta con abundantes recursos naturales, pero la región ha tenido problemas para traducir esta riqueza en un proceso de desarrollo económico a largo plazo.