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1 febrero 2024 | Infografía
The infographic on "Trinidad's Traffic Study" outlines key challenges and recommendations for addressing traffic congestion in Trinidad. It offers several short- to medium-term solutions aimed at enhancing public transportation, such as making it more attractive and reliable, improving paratransit services for "first and last mile" transportation, and bolstering public safety for both commuters and service providers. Telecommuting is also suggested as a way to reduce the need for physical commuting. For a long-term solution, the study emphasizes the importance of establishing an efficient, multi-modal transportation system, improving school bus services, and decentralizing public services. Enhanced spatial planning and better traffic management for seasonal and annual events are also recommended. Additional details about the study are available via a provided link.
7 de julio de 2020 | Infografía
¿Seguimos esperando la catástrofe o pasamos a la acción?
4 de marzo de 2015 | Infografía
La violencia estructural presente en muchas sociedades latinoamericanas y caribeñas es uno de los desafíos más apremiantes en términos de la plena inclusión social de sus ciudadanos y ciudadanas y, a su vez, tiene repercusiones ineludibles en las posibilidades y oportunidades para el desarrollo de la infancia. Esta infografía es parte de una serie producida por la CEPAL y UNICEF sobre los derechos de la infancia.