Shipping and ports
Shipping and ports

Course: Current challenges of the port system for the countries of the Greater Caribbean
Organize by the Infrastructure Servuces Unit. The course lasted 30 hours and was carrying out through online with simultaneous translation to English, French and Spanish.

UNCTAD-ECLAC Webinar on COVID-19 and Maritime Transport: Disruptions and Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean
UNCTAD - ECLAC joint activity under UNDA project: Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics

Webinar Smart Road and Rail Solutions for transport connectivity
Joint activity under UNDA project: Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics

Main challenges for cruise industry in the Caribbean
Special Session at the Conference Cartagena dialogue on “Cruise, Ports and Cities”

Authorities and Experts Stress the Relevance of Improving Transport Infrastructure to Energize Economies and Promote Productive and Sustainable Development
The Third High-Level Regional Dialogue on Transport in Latin America and the Caribbean was inaugurated at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.

Goods Exports from Latin America and the Caribbean Increase 20% in 2022, but Growth is Down from Previous Year
ECLAC’s latest annual report indicates that the war in Ukraine and a less dynamic global economy have had a negative effect on the terms of trade in the region.

The Region’s Trade Will Increase Significantly in 2021, but the Recovery Will be Asymmetrical and Heterogeneous in a Context of Uncertainty
In its annual report “International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean,” ECLAC forecasts that exports will grow by 25% this year, after falling 10% in 2020.

DAG participates in GIZ sectorial network (GADeR-ALC) webinar about inclusive, sustainable and intelligent cities with a gender approach
This webinar is part of a series of virtual events organized by the GADeR-ALC Gender and Energy+ Workstream to bring the different topics together and which propose to incorporate the innovative and disruptive gender approach in different parts of Latin America.