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Central America Project

The project on Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information in Central America is financed by the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH), led by the United States Census Bureau and by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography - INEGI, Mexico within the framework of UN-GGIM: Americas and has the collaboration of ECLAC and the CNIG of Spain. It works with the seven Central American countries: Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
The Project was submitted in 2018 to the Technical Assistance Program for the year 2020 and was approved on October 23, 2018 during the 48th Meeting of the Directing Council of the PAIGH that took place in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and will end in 2021.
The objectives of the project include the creation of a geospatial platform that allows the collaborative work of statistical and geospatial integration in the region and a technical workshop to identify innovative ways of visualization and analysis of integrated statistical and geospatial information. Current project work includes collaboration on georeferenced health data to support decision-making against the COVID-19 pandemic.



UN-GGIM: Americas, United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas.

2018 Newsletter

2019 Newsletter

2020 Newsletter