El presente documento busca situar el problema de la expansión de la cobertura entre los trabajadores independientes —una población con altos...
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Este estudio examina las perspectivas de desarrollo de las cadenas de valor en torno al litio en Chile, destacando la complementariedad con...
In this edition of the Demographic Observatory, the impact of population dynamics is illustrated through an analysis of selected indicators of...
O documento examina práticas internacionais de apoio e cuidado a pessoas com deficiência, abrangendo experiências de oito países de diversas...
En este documento se examinan el estado actual y los desafíos del sistema de pensiones en la República Dominicana, centrándose en la...
Este documento se preparó con el objetivo explorar los beneficios potenciales que ofrece la gestión circular de las aguas residuales en las...
En este documento se presenta un protocolo para la estimación de daños y pérdidas en el sector ambiental basado en la metodología para la...
This document aims to reaffirm the central role played by the international cooperation system, in the different forms it can assume, in achieving...
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990‑2022 for 27 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. It provides...
In 2023, the fiscal environment in Latin America and the Caribbean reflected deteriorating global and regional microfinancial conditions. Fiscal...
En este documento se presentan cuadros regionales y nacionales con datos estadísticos del subsector hidrocarburos de los ocho países que conforman...
As a region, Latin America is characterized by high levels of inequality, reflected in both concentration of income and wealth and in large gaps...
United States gross domestic product rose by 2.5% in 2023. The above-potential growth was driven by resilient consumers, supported by a strong...
Through a combination of primary and secondary research, this study sheds light on the effects of the pandemic on the tourism industries of the...
Amid the backdrop of advanced technology competition from China, climate change and a global pandemic, the United States —traditionally averse to...
In this tenth edition of “The Outlook for Agriculture and Rural Development in the Americas: A Perspective on Latin America and the Caribbean”, we...
This report presents significant findings from the Regional Digital Trade Integration Index (RDTII), highlighting similarities and differences...
In this accessible version of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis...