The present issue, like the one that appeared 30 years ago, is devoted to population estimates and projections by sex and age group for the 20...
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This issue of the Demographic Bulletin presents abridged life tables by sex for the 20 countries of Latin America for the period 1950-2025. It...
Bajo el título Los aspectos sociales de la integración, este número de la serie "Políticas Sociales" reúne cinco trabajos que recogen...
In the present Demographic Bulletin the population projections for the 20 Latin American countries, period 1950-2050, are published. On this...
This Demographic Bulletin presents updated information on fertility based on the stimates and projections made in the 20 Latin American countries...
This current Bulletin presents the estimates and projections of the economically active population, by urban and rural areas, sex and quinquennial...
El presente trabajo tiene por propósito analizar la situación de la población
de los países de América Latina y el Caribe y la forma en que...